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Laurentian University – Geology Course Codes

Below you can review all of the courses currently being offered by the Harquail School of Earth Sciences.

These are our first year courses. Note that GEOL 1006 and GEOL 1007 are required in the Earth Sciences and Environmental Geoscience programs. See the program course requirements for all required first-year courses.

1st Year Courses:
  • GEOL 1006 EL - Introductory Geology I

    This course covers the physical geology of the Earth, including the origin of the solar system, Earth structure and Earth physics (seismology, geomagnetism), plate tectonics as the unifying theory in Earth sciences, earthquakes, magma generation, volcanic activity, continental growth, mountain building, geological structures (folds and faults), the rock cycle, sedimentary/metamorphic/igneous rocks, and rock-forming minerals. Laboratory exercises include earthquakes, plate tectonics and identification of common rocks and rock-forming minerals. A field trip across the Sudbury Basin introduces students to interpreting rocks in the field. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3. Students may not retain credit for both GEOL 1006 and GEOL 1021.

  • GEOL 1007 EL - Introductory Geology II

    This course builds on concepts introduced in GEOL 1006 E and serves as an introduction to the methods used in reconstructing the geologic history of the Earth and its regions. Topics include the geologic time scale; dating methods; life, fossils & evolution; sedimentary environments; introduction to stratigraphy & correlation; an overview of major events in Earth history. Laboratory sessions provide an introduction to relative dating, fossils, sedimentary rocks, stratigraphy and geologic maps. PREREQ: GEOL 1006 E. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3. Students may not retain credit for both GEOL 1007 and GEOL 1022.

  • GEOL 1021 EL - Understanding the Earth I

    This course covers the physical geology of the Earth, including the origin of the solar system, Earth structure and Earth physics (seismology, geomagnetism), plate tectonics as the unifying theory in Earth sciences, earthquakes, magma generation, volcanic activity, continental growth, mountain building, geological structures (folds and faults), the rock cycle, sedimentary/metamorphic/igneous rocks and rock-forming minerals. This course has the same lecture content as GEOL 1006E, but does not have a laboratory component. (lec 3) cr 3. This course is not a credit for geology majors and students may not retain credit for both GEOL 1021 and GEOL 1006.

  • GEOL 1022 EL - Understanding the Earth II

    This course builds on concepts introduced in GEOL 1021 and serves as an introduction to the methods used in reconstructing the geologic history of the Earth and its regions. Topics include the geologic time scale; dating methods; life, fossils and evolution; sedimentary environments; introduction to stratigraphy and correlation; and overview of major events in Earth history. PREREQ: GEOL 1021E. (lec 3) cr 3. This course is not a credit for geology majors and students may not retain credit for both GEOL 1022 and GEOL 1007.

These are our second year courses. Note that a selection of these courses are required in the Earth Sciences and Environmental Geoscience programs, as listed in the program course requirements.

2nd Year Courses:
  • GEOL 2006 EL - Field Geology I

    This course introduces students to the science of field geology. In the 5 weekdays prior to the start of the fall term, students will visit a variety of geological settings in the field where students will be introduced to and learn safety in the field, basic geological observation and data recording, and basic mapping techniques both in plan and section. At each area students will undertake small (outcrop) scale mapping projects. During the fall academic term students will attend seven field trips (Friday afternoons from mid September to late October) led by faculty to examine and document specific geological environments. The final section of the course will be devoted to classroom map exercises (three point, apparent dip, strata thickness and orientation, geological cross sections - 3 hours per week). PREREQ: GEOL 1006 and GEOL 1007. cr 3.

  • GEOL 2021 EL - Geology of Earth Resources (Laurentian Online, not for program credit)

    This course covers the nature and geological origin of important non-renewable resources in the Earth's crust with special reference to Canadian occurrences of metals, fossil fuels, phosphates and evaporites. This course is directed towards non-science students and is not available for credit in the B.Sc. in Geology. PREREQ: GEOL 1021/1022 E or equivalent, or permission from the instructor. (lec 3) cr 3. Not available for credit in the B.Sc. Earth Sciences program.

  • GEOL 2046 EL - Natural Hazards and Disasters (Laurentian Online, not for program credit)

    This course focuses on several major topics: the geoscience of natural hazards, hazard prediction and human vulnerability, preparedness, mitigation and recovery from natural hazards and aims to build a foundation for critically evaluating how humans live with hazard risk, from a technical and societal point of view. This course is intended for those who wish to better understand natural hazards and to assess how the consequences of natural hazards are minimized. Prerequisites: 18 university credits. Lec. (credits 3). Not available for credit in the B.Sc. Earth Sciences program.

  • GEOL 2066 EL - Near-Surface Geophysical Methods

    This course addresses the physical properties of natural or anthropogenic materials in the subsurface. A number of geophysical methods will be introduced that are capable of identifying where these physical properties are anomalous. The course will provide examples from environmental science, forensic science and archaeology, including how to find sites containing potable groundwater, contaminants, hazards, ancient human workings, and illicit burials. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3. Prerequisites: Six credits in first-year science courses, PHYS 1006 or 1206 are recommended.

  • GEOL 2126 EL - Mineralogy I

    This course provides an introduction to the crystallography of minerals emphasizing external morphology: symmetry elements, crystallographic axes, crystal systems, Miller indices, simple stereograms and crystal classes. Topics include the physical and chemical properties of minerals and how these properties are related to internal structure; packing of atoms, radius ratios and atomic coordination; derivation of chemical formulae from chemical analyses; atomic bonds and their relationship to mineral composition and structure; and unary and binary phase diagrams. The course involves systematic discussion of crystal chemistry and occurrence of main mineral groups. Laboratory work involves hand specimen examination of major mineral groups identification using crystallographic, physical and chemical properties. PREREQ: GEOL 1006/7. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 2127 EL - Optical Mineralogy

    This course provides an introduction to the theory and methods of optical crystallography as it relates to the passage of light through isotropic and anisotropic minerals. Laboratory periods emphasize the application of theory to the identification of minerals in thin section using a polarizing microscope. This course includes an introduction to the optical mineralogy of the most important minerals in common igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. PREREQ or COREQ: PHYS 1007. PREREQ: GEOL 2126. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 2237 EL - Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks

    This course examines the classification and recognition of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks, the nature of their occurrence and processes responsible for their formation. A third of the course is devoted to each of the three major lithotypes. Laboratory exercises and field-oriented assignments will focus on hand specimen material, emphasizing common mineral associations, structures and textures. PREREQ: GEOL 1006 E or GEOL 1007 E or equivalent. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3. Students may not retain credit for both GEOL 2237 and GEOL 2017.

  • GEOL 2406 EL - Paleobiology I

    This course presents a broad overview of the history of life on earth over the past four billion years, outlining the importance of biological input into the making of planet Earth. Topics include the use of fossils as keys to geological time, evolution and ancient environments; the origins of life, development of the atmosphere and oceans and evolution of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the light of plate tectonics; and morphology, paleoecology and evolution of important fossil groups, starting with bacteria, algae, vascular plants, and ending with protochordate invertebrates. Laboratory sessions deal with stromatolites, calcareous algae, vascular plants, microfossils and invertebrates (sponges, corals, bryozoans: remaining labs covered in GEOL 2407). Annual fall field trip to Manitoulin Island. Suitable for students of biology, geography or anthropology. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 2407 EL - Paleobiology II


  • GEOL 2807 EL - Geochemistry I

    This course introduces the geochemistry and minerology of the Earth's crust, the chemical processes that take place at the Earth's surface, and the geochemistry of both low- and high-temperature systems. Topics include geochemical variations from core to crust, Goldschmidt's classification of the elements, the laws of thermodynamics, solution geochemistry, salts and their ions, weathering and mineral stability diagrams including carbonates, sulfates and silicates, electrochemistry and Eh-pH diagrams, soil formation, quantitative calculation of elemental variations during mineral and rock weathering, stable isotopes and their application to paleoclimatology and near-surface earth processes, radiogenic isotopes and their application in geology, and major and trace element geochemistry. PREREQ: GEOL 1007, GEOL 2126, and CHMI 1006/1007. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3. Students may not retain credit for GEOL 3806 and GEOL 2807.

These are our third year courses. Note that a selection of these courses are required in the Earth Sciences and Environmental Geoscience programs, as listed in the program course requirements.

3rd Year Courses:
  • GEOL 3006 EL - Field Geology II

    This course requires students to create one or more geological maps and a geological report that presents the geological framework for the mapping project(s) and explains the field observations. Structural mapping of polydeformed rocks will be emphasized. Field supervision for the course is normally offered during the first two weeks of May for students finishing their third year of study in an Earth Sciences program. Final maps and reports are due on the last day of the field school. This course will provide students with general skills in: 1) orientation and map reading; 2) use of GPS and air photography; 3) traverse and mapping techniques; 4) field structural analysis; and 5) technical report writing. NOTE: The course is typically held during the last week of April and first week of May PREREQ: GEOL 2006, 2126, 2237 cr 3.

  • GEOL 3007 EL - Environmental Field Geology

    This is a ten-day, field-based course designed for students in the areas of Environmental and Earth Sciences. Topics include classification of soils, common chemical reactions occurring within them, the fate of toxic elements in contaminated soils, formation of soils as a function of the underlying lithology and characterization, sampling, and mapping of soils in the field. Students will examine the minerology, geochemistry, and hydrogeology of mine tailings, along with methods for their remediation and re-greening. This course includes in-classroom teaching, fieldtrips, and independent projects on soil mapping. PREREQ: GEOL 2807. (lec 2, lab 8) cr 3.

  • GEOL 3056 EL - Computer Applications in the Earth Sciences

    This course deals with the use of computer software packages aimed at compiling geological and environmental earth science field data and producing maps and diagrams of high quality. Depending on student need, these may include ArcGIS, AutoCAD, MapInfo, CorelDraw, gOcad, and Fieldlog, as well as other programs as they become available. Methods of calibrating digitized maps to geographic coordinates and exporting to other programs for final editing will be pursued. PREREQ: Must be enrolled in the four-year Geology or Environmental Geoscience program. lec 3, lab 3) cr 3..

  • GEOL 3146 EL - Physics of the Earth

    This course covers the physics of the Earth and how geophysical methods (magnetic, gravitational and seismological) can be used to infer the structure of the Earth's core, mantle and crust. It presents the contributions of geophysics to the development of plate tectonic models for ancient and modern Earth. PREREQ: GEOL 1006/1007; PHYS 1006/1007; MATH 1036 or 1912. (lec 3, tut 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 3206 EL - Igneous Petrology

    This course provides an introduction to the physical, chemical, mineralogical, and petrographic characteristics of igneous rocks. At the end of this course, students will have a broad understanding of the processes involved in magma generation, differentiation and crystallization. They will also learn about the abundance and distribution of various types of igneous rocks and how they relate to planetary evolution and plate tectonics. Phase diagrams will be used to explain how minerals change composition as magmas cool and solidify and also to explain how magmas are generated by partial melting of crystalline assemblages. The role of volatiles in melting processes, volcanic eruptions and volcanic degassing will be discussed. The standard schemes of rock classification will be explained and applied. The laboratory component requires good understanding of optical mineralogy and involves detailed observation and description of a variety of igneous rocks. PREREQ: GEOL 2127 and GEOL 2237. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 3207 EL - Metamorphic Petrology

    This course examines the description, classification and interpretation of metamorphic rocks using hand-sample, microscopic, graphical and numerical techniques. Metamorphic processes and environments of metamorphism are discussed (contact, regional and hydrothermal metamorphism; metamorphic facies and zones). Students are introduced to the use of phase diagrams, thermodynamics and phase equilibria techniques to constrain the conditions of formation of mineral + fluid assemblages. Geochronology and thermal modeling techniques are introduced. Laboratories present samples and suites of material illustrating metamorphic textures and mineralogy used to infer metamorphic reaction history and the pressure and temperature conditions of metamorphism. PREREQ: GEOL 2127 and GEOL 2237. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 3217 EL - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

    This course covers the transport and deposition of sedimentary particles, terrigenous clastic and carbonate depositional environments, sedimentary structures, lithofacies, and petrography, stratigraphic methods, and sedimentary basins. PREREQ: GEOL 2237, 2406. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 3306 EL - Structural Geology

    The course examines the formation of tectonic structures in rocks. It begins with an introduction to strain and stress. This is followed by an examination of brittle structures, such as faults, cataclasites, fractures and veins, in terms of classification, recognition and modes of origin. During the second half of the course, the development of shear zones, foliations, lineations and folds is discussed with an emphasis on the interrelationships between these structures. Rock flow equations, shear sense indicators in fault zones, and grain-scale plastic deformation processes are other topics covered in the course. Laboratory work comprises: stress and strain exercises, stereographic projections, solution of 3D structural problems by descriptive geometry and stereographic projections, map interpretation of deformed areas, and interpretation of the attitude of deformed orebodies from drill hole data. PREREQ: GEOL 1006/7, 2006, and 2237. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 3312 EL - Introduction to Earth Structures (Laurentian Online, not for program credit)

    This course introduces students to the major structural features found in deformed rocks and to the physical conditions under which they formed, and how to collect, process and interpret structural data. The course material is divided into two parts, namely text and assignments. PREREQ: GEOL 1006/1007 or GEOL 1021/1022 and GEOL 2021/2022. (lec 3) cr 3. Not available for credit in the B.Sc. Earth Sciences program.

  • GEOL 3397 EL - Introductory Soil Science

    This course introduces the formation and classification of soils, including their physical, chemical and biological properties. It also considers environmental issues involving soil. PREREQ: CHMI 1041 or grade 12 4U chemistry and GEOL 1007 or permission of the department. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3. Crosslisted as BIOL 3397. Students may not retain credit for both GEOL 3397 and BIOL 3397.

  • GEOL 3417 EL - Oceanography

    Topics include origin of the ocean-atmosphere system; ocean basins and plate tectonic processes; marine geology, hot spots, and deep sea vents; ocean salinity, density, gases, thermal properties, heat budgets, and circulation; marine provinces; oceanic ridges, rises and trenches; life in the oceans; evolution of marine communities and marine extinctions; sediment distribution; current systems; ocean resources and their exploitation; and environmental concerns. PREREQ: GEOL 1006 or GEOL 1021; GEOL 1007 or GEOL 1022.

  • GEOL 3607 EL - Ore Deposits and their Geological Environment

    This course presents an introduction to the nature, morphology, geologic setting and classification of the principal types of ore deposits and theories about their genesis. It includes a description of significant Canadian deposits and their geological and tectonic environment as well as notable deposits elsewhere in the world. Emphasis is placed on shield deposits and metallogeny, and attention is given to mineral economics, mining and metallurgical techniques, and relevant environmental issues. Laboratories introduce students to techniques used to understand ore deposits (microscopy, microprobe analysis, study of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes) and focus on specific deposits and their host rocks. PREREQ: GEOL 2127 and GEOL 2237. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3. Students may not retain credit for both GEOL 3607 and GEOL 4606.

  • GEOL 3807 EL - Geochemistry II

    This course provides a quantitative treatment of thermodynamics, major element, trace element, stable isotope, and radiogenic isotope geochemistry and their applications to Earth processes at high temperatures. Topics include thermodynamics and using thermodynamic databases, equations of state, multicomponent fluids at high temperatures, solution models, phase diagrams, applications of chemical thermodynamics in petrology, applications of major elements in understanding igneous and hydrothermal processes, trace element classification and partitioning, and applications of trace element geochemistry to understanding igneous, sedimentary and hydrothermal processes. The use of radiogenic isotopes in geochronology, petrology and mineral deposits, and the use of stable isotopes in petrology and mineral deposits are discussed. PREREQ: GEOL 2807 and MATH 1036. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 3811 EL - Chemistry of Earth Materials (Laurentian Online, not for program credit)

    This course provides a quantitative treatment of selective chemical and mineralogical processes important in understanding the chemistry of the Earth. This will include the use of phase diagrams to review the chemical variation from the mantle of the Earth to its crust and the classification of rocks based on its chemistry and mineral assemblages. Metamorphic and metasomatic processes will be considered briefly. Also included will be the application of aqueous chemistry using Eh-pH and activity or concentration diagrams to investigate the processes of weathering of silicate rocks and mineral deposits. This section will also include the formation of clays and soils. The chemistry of the oceans will be dealt with briefly. PREREQ: GEOL 1006/1007 or GEOL 1021/1022. (lec 3) cr 3. Not available for credit in the B.Sc. Earth Sciences program.

These are our fourth year courses. Note that a selection of these courses are required in the Earth Sciences and Environmental Geoscience programs, as listed in the program course requirements.

4th Year Courses:
  • GEOL 4005 EL - Thesis

    This course is a thesis requiring independent research and the guidance of one or more faculty members. The subject is chosen by the student in consultation with the course coordinator and the supervising professor. Students are encouraged to obtain permission of their employer to use material gathered during the summer as a basis for the thesis. The thesis is defended orally and a final draft, suitable for defence, is normally submitted at least two weeks before the end of classes of the second term. PREREQ: minimum 70% average on required courses or permission of the chair. (sem, exp) cr 6.

  • GEOL 4016 EL - Precambrian Geology

    This course introduces the geology of Precambrian regions around the world with a special emphasis on the Precambrian Shield of Canada. Topics covered include evolution of the Canadian Precambrian and its position in the continental framework; orogenic provinces; lithology, structure, metamorphism and composition; mineral deposits and metallogenic provinces of the Shield; and the Precambrian Craton and its role during subsequent eras along with problems and current research in Precambrian geology. The course includes a field trip to the Temagami Volcanic Belt, Cobalt-Haileybury region, Timmins, Noranda or Kirkland Lake regions. PREREQ: GEOL 3206/3207 and GEOL 3306 (lec 3, sem 2) cr 3. Students may not retain credit for both GEOL 4016 and GEOL 4505.

  • GEOL 4026 EL - Field Geology III

    This course shows how geological and ore-forming problems can be solved by integrating detailed mapping with geochemical and petrographic analysis. Students create one or more geological maps and measured stratigraphic/structural sections in three areas: Noranda, Timmins and Sudbury. These areas illustrate different geological and ore-forming environments and the map areas are selected to illustrate particular geological problems. The 10-day field component begins one week prior to the fall session for students entering the 4th year of an Earth Science program. Subsequent laboratory analysis includes examination of samples, whole rock and trace element geochemical data, and thin sections representative of rock types, alteration and mineralization in each map area. Students produce final maps and a comprehensive geological report summarizing each of the map areas, including interpretations derived from geochemical and petrographic data. Students cover all extra costs associated with this course. PREREQ: completion of required 3rd-year GEOL courses and enrolment in the 4-year Earth Sciences program, or instructor's permission. (exp) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4127 EL - Advanced Mineralogy

    An applied course designed to provide students with detailed information on specific minerals and mineral groups along with the analytical techniques used to identify and characterize them. Mineralogical topics to be discussed may include mineralogy of massive sulphide ore deposits (Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides), phase equilibria of the Fe-Ni-Cu-PGE ternary, Fe-Ti oxides, alteration minerals (chlorite, amphiboles, white micas) and application of their distribution to ore deposit exploration, the distribution, occurrence and synthesis of platinum-group minerals, classification of clay phyllosilicates, crystal chemistry and classification of zeolites, adsorptive and ion exchange properties of clays, mineralogy of orchre and laterite deposits, and alteration of primary Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides. Analytical topics to be discussed may include powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Rietveld analysis of X-ray data, electron-microbeam techniques (scanning electron miscroscopy, wavelength- and energy-dispersive spectrometry), FTIR/Raman spectroscopy, and ICP-MS techniques. Students considering this course are strongly recommended to discuss the course content with the appropriate instructor prior to registration. PREREQ: GEOL 2126 and GEOL 3807. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4206 EL - Advanced Igneous Petrology

    This course examines advanced and unconventional topics related to igneous processes. The origin of the elements in the universe and the solar system is used as the starting point to the understanding of the composition of the Earth and the distribution of trace elements in it. The processes of core-mantle differentiation and the structure and mineralogy of the Earth's mantle will be used as a framework to understand the distribution and composition of mantle reservoirs and how they affect the chemical and isotopic composition of major magmas types. The genesis of exotic and rare magmas such as komatites, carbonatites and kimberlites is explored in detail. In addition, students are required to read, discuss and evaluate current and seminal papers. This will expose them to new developments in the field and will enhance their critical thinking skills. The laboratory component includes problem sets that use mineralogical, geochemical and thermodynamic data to determine intensive parameters such as pressure and temperature of crystallization of igneous rocks. PREREQ: GEOL 3206. (lec 3, sem) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4217 EL - Carbonate Sedimentology

    This course examines the origin, characteristics, meaning, and economic potential of carbonate sedimentary rocks, with emphasis on identification and significance of rock components, lithofacies analysis, interpretation of carbonate depositional environments and systems, diagenetic processes and products, carbonate stratigraphy and correlation, and sequence stratigraphic analysis. PREREQ: GEOL 2406 and GEOL 3217. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4226 EL - Pleistocene and Glacial Geology

    The topics of this course include continental and alpine glaciation, erosional and depositional facies and dynamic processes, glacial climates and their origin, ancient glaciations (Huronian, late Precambrian, Ordovician, late Paleozoic), glacio-marine environments, glaciations and floral-faunal changes, extinctions, and coeval low latitude environments. Laboratories deal with glacial geomorphology, sediments, and principles of correlation. Local field trips examine gravel deposit, glacial varvites (clays) and soils. PREREQ: GEOL 3217 or permission of instructor. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4307 EL - Polyphase Metamorphism and Deformation

    The course studies the combined metamorphic and structural changes in rocks during orogenesis. The aim of the course is to integrate concepts learned in third year metamorphic and structural courses to better understand the transformation in the structure, texture and mineralogy of rocks after depositions. During the first half of the course, students will be introduced to the concept of vorticity during rock flow, the development of structures in high strain zones of monoclinic and triclinic symmetry, the interpretation of textural relationships between microstructures and metamorphic minerals, and the analysis of porphyroblast-matrix relations. During the second half of the course, students will learn how to analyze the metamorphic and deformation history of rocks, construct petrogenetic grids, calculate metamorphic temperatures and pressures using experimental and thermodynamic data, and interpret pressure-temperature-deformation-time paths. Laboratory work will include petrographic case studies of deformed and metamorphosed suites of rocks from different tectonic environments and a field project within the Sudbury area. PREREQ: GEOL 3207 and GEOL 3306. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4416 EL - Global Change: The Geologic Record

    This course examines the long-term record of global change as reflected in sedimentary rocks, fossil faunas and floras, and low temperature isotope geochemistry. Topics include major changes in biogeochemical cycling processes through geologic time; lithosphere-ocean-atmosphere interactions; sedimentary suites and fossils as paleoclimatic keys; sedimentary processes related to global change; plate tectonic and mountain building as forcing mechanisms for climatic change; and extraterrestrial forcing. (lec 3) cr 3. Designed for senior-level students.

  • GEOL 4506 EL - Tectonics, Petrogenesis and Metallogenesis

    This synthesis course provides an integrated overview of tectonic environments and geodynamic processes and their roles in petrogenesis and metallogenesis. The course will integrate knowledge from the petrogenesis and metallogenesis of divergent margins, convergent margins, passive margins, and large igneous provinces. The course will also consider how petrogenetic processes and structural styles have varied in orogens representing a variety of crustal levels through Earth history. PREREQ: GEOL 3206, 3207, 3217, 3306, 3607, 3807. (lec 3) cr 3. Students may not retain credit for both GEOL 4506 and GEOL 4505.

  • GEOL 4607 EL - Ore-Forming Processes

    This course examines processes involved in the genesis of magmatic and hydrothermal ore deposits. Emphasis is placed on Ni-Cu-PGE and chromite deposits, the role of sulphur in silicate melts, and contamination and magma mixing. In considering hydrothermal deposits, topics include the types of hydrothermal fluids involved in mineralizing processes; sulphur and chloride species; and the solubility of metals, and alteration and hydrogen metasomatism including techniques to assess chemical gains and losses. Attention is given to porphyry copper, volcanogenic massive sulphides, epithermal and lode-Au deposits. Laboratories involve examination of selected sample suites, problem sets and a project. PREREQ: GEOL 3206/7 and GEOL 3607. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4706 EL - Hydrogeology

    This course presents an introduction to hydrogeology covering hydrogeologic properties of porous media, flow nets, groundwater resource evaluation, groundwater chemistry, geology of groundwater occurrence, groundwater and the hydrologic cycle, and groundwater contamination. PREREQ: GEOL 1006/7, CHMI 1006/7 and MATH 1912 or 1036. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4946 EL - Seismic Methods

    This course covers the theory of seismology, including seismic sources, different types of surface and body seismic waves, and the propagation of waves in the Earth. Methods for extracting geological information from refraction and reflection seismology, the determination of overburden thickness from surface waves, and the applications of seismic methods to mineral exploration are also examined. PREREQ: GEOL 3146. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

  • GEOL 4956 EL - Mineral Exploration Geophysics

    This course provides an overview of geophysical exploration methods, including gravity, magnetic, electrical, induced polarization, electromagnetic, seismic, gamma-ray spectrometric and down-hole logging methods. The course provides examples from mineral exploration and discusses approaches to the interpretation of geophysical data. PREREQ: Completion of 60 university credits which include GEOL 1006/1007; PHYS 1006 /1007; MATH 1036 or 1912. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

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