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“Project NE-17-001. Preliminary Geology of Osway and Huffman Townships and Parts of Eric, Fingal and Arbutus Townships, Southern Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt”, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2017, vol. Open File Report 6333, Ontaro Geological Survey, 2017, pp. 7-1 to 7-13.
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, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1999-029181Finlayson BeltHeaven Lake BeltSteep Rock Belt
“The greenstone belts of the central Wabigoon Subprovince; geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic setting”, in LithoProbe; Western Superior Transect third annual workshop, vol. 63, University of British Columbia, Lithoprobe Secretariat [for the] Canadian Lithoprobe Program, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1997, pp. 83-88.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1998-072057Caribou Lake greenstone beltGarden Lake greenstone beltHeaven Lake greenstone beltLac des Iles greenstone beltObonga Lake greenstone belt