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Outreach Events

Email the outreach coordinator Tobias Roth tm_roth@laurentian.ca of the Harquail School of Earth Sciences to book an interactive session about Earth Sciences (aka geology) and its career opportunities! This session can be in-class or virtual (one full class period), or a field trip around the Sudbury Impact Crater (the whole school day).

Biology, chemistry, Earth and Space Science, and geography all have important links with the geosciences, so your session can be customized to your science subject and interest. Also, we will break our presentation with hands-on activities and interactive elements where everybody can participate, for example with a Geo-Pardy Game or a Kahoot!

Photos: Geological field trip through the Sudbury impact structure; Lasalle Secondary School's grade 12 students and Tobias Roth; June 2022.  

Questions we will answer:

  1. What is the Harquail School of Earth Sciences and which post-secondary programs does it offer?
  2. What are the excellent field school opportunities in Sudbury, Ontario, and vicinity?
  3. How do geologists study rocks and minerals?  
  4. What role do mineral resources play in our everyday lives?
  5. Post-graduation perspectives and professional accreditation!


Our goal is to help you educate students about geosciences and the various career options as a geoscientist. Geosciences have flexible, adventurous and lucrative career perspectives! Check out the following teacher testimonials:

It was a pleasure to have the students and staff from the Harquail School @ Laurentian University join us virtually in Toronto. They were organized and engaging and allowed students to have a better understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of earth sciences as well as the career opportunities that exist in that realm. Having multiple presenters (staff and students) gave a range of valuable perspectives. The lessons and testimonials were well paced, questions were answered well, and the entire thing was seamlessly delivered. I had nothing but positive comments from students after the class.

-- Rob Mound, Toronto District School Board, April 2021

The China University of Geosciences SEG student chapter was proud to partner with the Harquail School of Earth Sciences at Laurentian University to organize an online Geoscience conference with students from 4 different high schools in Hubei Province, China. The students and I enjoyed it very much. We learned about the meaning of earth sciences and career options in earth sciences through this meeting, which broadened our knowledge. In addition, seeing so many beautiful natural minerals under a virtual microscope makes us feel the charm of earth science. I hope we can continue to work together in the future to spread our love for earth science to more Chinese high school students.

-- Huan Tao, Ph.D. Student, President of CUG SEG Student Chapter, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

It was great to have such diversity of experience on the panel and for me this really highlighted the diversity of the field and the different opportunities the students could expect to receive both during their education at LU (through field school, travel opportunities, and creating connections for summer employment) and in their career choices after successful completion of the program. The interactive components of the presentation went very well and I feel provided the students with a more memorable experience than simply hearing the information (although I look forward to being able to bring a group up to the campus to actually participate in the activities when that is once again possible). It was also great to have Ashley Kirwan's perspective on the field and job opportunities as part of the presentation as a young professional who co-owns a diverse and youth focused company. I feel the students really benefited from seeing how they could put an Earth Sciences degree into practice.

-- Colin Veevers, Environment SHSM Lead, Science and Outdoor Education Teacher at Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School, January 2021

Thank you so much for joining us today! The students really had fun learning about the chemistry of the rocks and minerals found around Lively and Sudbury! It was also great to hear about the local opportunities for post-secondary education and rewarding careers in the field. Thank you again for taking the time to schedule us in, and for making the experience so fun. We had a great time with your Geo-pardy game; the students were very engaged. It was a really nice way to end our week.

-- Chris Mark, Teacher, Rainbow District School Board, December 2020


Other online resources about the Harquail School of Earth Sciences:

2. Virtual tour of the Harquail School of Earth Sciences and the Laurentian U campus: https://arcg.is/15bjK
Explore the Harquail School of Earth Sciences and the fantastic indoor and outdoor facilities on the Laurentian University campus! Note: This Virtual Tour is best viewed on a large screen.\
Each illustrated GeoTour – in PDF format – highlights geological sites of interest across Northern Ontario. Seven GeoTours are available for Sudbury alone, including GPS coordinates for you to go find these sites!
A two day trip with 15 stops (incl GPS coordinates) brought to you by the APGO Education Foundation.