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Laurentian University SEG Student Chapter

2024-25 Executive Members

President: Maggie Laverge / mlaverge@laurentian.ca

Vice President: Tramaine James / tjames1@laurentian.ca

Treasurer: Wieland Böhme / wboehme@laurentian.ca

Secretary: Taylor Mugford / tmugford@laurentian.ca 

Keep an eye on your student email account and join the Laurentian University SEG Student Chapter Facebook page for upcoming events and opportunities! You can also view past presentations on our YouTube channel


Student Chapter Academic Advisors

Dr. C. Michael Lesher (HES)
Dr. David Burrows (Vale)

Sponsoring Institutions: 

Harquail School of Earth Sciences
Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC)
Laurentian University

Mailing Address:

SEG Student Chapter
Harquail School of Earth Sciences
Laurentian University
935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury ON P3E 2C6

Past Executive Members


President: Evan Hall / ehall@laurentian.ca

Vice President: Theo Lombard / tlombard@laurentian.ca

Treasurer: Fleur Parent / fparent@laurentian.ca

Secretary: Maggie Laverge / mlaverge@laurentian.ca 

President: Julian Melo Gomez, jmelo_gomez@laurentian.ca

Vice President: Ian Campos, icampos@laurentian.ca

Treasurer: Sandra Baurier Aymat, sbaurier_aymat@laurentian.ca

Secretary: Shalaila Bhalla, sbhalla@laurentian.ca


President: Michael Tamosauskas mtamosauskas@laurentian.ca

Vice President: Gabrielle Fouillard gfouillard@laurentian.ca

Treasurer: Julian Melo Gomez jmelo_gomez@laurentian.ca

Secretary: Mohamed Farhat mfarhat@laurentian.ca

2020-21 Executive Members

President: Marina Schofield (mschofield@laurentian.ca)
Vice President: Nicolas Estrada (nestrada@laurentian.ca)
Treasurer: Ben Mark (bmark@laurentian.ca)
Secretary: Luc Roy (lroy4@laurentian.ca)

2018-19 Executive Members

President: Charlotte Stone (CStone2@laurentian.ca)
Vice President: David Downie (DDownie@laurentian.ca)
Treasurer: Colin Ross (CRoss3@laurentian.ca)
Secretary: Patrick Bovingdon (PBovingdon@laurentian.ca)

2017-18 Executive Members

President: Gerald Broughton (GBroughton@laurentian.ca)
Vice President: Robert Meek (RMeek@laurentian.ca)
Treasurer: Andrew Bradley (ABradley@laurentian.ca)
Secretary: Logan Foucault (LFoucault@laurentian.ca)

Upcoming Events

  • PDAC 2025

    Sunday, March 2nd
    Time: -

  • Spring Open House

    Saturday, March 15th
    Time: 09:30am - 03:00pm
    Location: 935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 6H6, Canada