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A. Ielpi, Lapôtre, M. G. A., Finotello, A., and Ghinassi, M., Planform-asymmetry and backwater effects on river-cutoff kinematics and clustering, Earth Surface Processes and LandformsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. n/a, Submitted.
M. D. Schofield, Lafrance, B., Gibson, H. L., K. Poulsen, H., Scheffer, C., Quesnel, B., Beaudoin, G., and Hamilton, M. A., Discriminating Superimposed Alteration Associated with Epigenetic Base and Precious Metal Vein Systems in the Rouyn-Noranda Mining District, Quebec; Implications for Exploration in Ancient Volcanic Districts, Economic Geology, vol. 119, pp. 617-641, 2024.
A. Pochon, Kontak, D. J., Iacono-Marziano, G., Gloaguen, E., Tuduri, J., Chatelin, T., Précigout, J., Rodríguez, H. Campos, Mollé, V., Gourcerol, B., and Monnier, L., Fluid inclusions in magmatic ilmenite record degassing in basic magmas, Communications Earth & Environment, vol. 5, p. 626, 2024.
A. Pochon, Kontak, D. J., Iacono-Marziano, G., Gloaguen, E., Tuduri, J., Chatelin, T., Précigout, J., Rodríguez, H. Campos, Mollé, V., Gourcerol, B., and Monnier, L., Fluid inclusions in magmatic ilmenite record degassing in basic magmas, Communications Earth & Environment, vol. 5, p. 626, 2024.
G. D. Gissler, Monecke, T., T. Reynolds, J., Guzman, M. A., Ellison, E. T., and Sherlock, R., Microtextural evidence for the recrystallization of opal-A to quartz in epithermal veins: A case study from the McLaughlin deposit, California, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 169, p. 106105, 2024.
G. D. Gissler, Monecke, T., T. Reynolds, J., Guzman, M. A., Ellison, E. T., and Sherlock, R., Microtextural evidence for the recrystallization of opal-A to quartz in epithermal veins: A case study from the McLaughlin deposit, California, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 169, p. 106105, 2024.
J. D. Pfister, Kontak, D. J., Groat, L. A., and Fayek, M., Stable isotopes (O, H) and quartz geochemistry provide insight to melt source and subsolidus fluid: Rock interaction in the Cretaceous Little Nahanni LCT Pegmatites (NWT, Canada), Chemical Geology, p. 122292, 2024.
S. C. Mkhonto, Jugo, P. J., Leybourne, M. I., and Grobler, D. F., Using Sulfide Mineral Chemistry to Understand PGE Mineralization Processes in the Platreef, Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 62, pp. 683-712, 2024.
M. Harlaux, Kontak, D. J., Clark, A. H., Kouzmanov, K., Holm-Denoma, C. S., Gialli, S., Laurent, O., Spikings, R., Chauvet, A., Dini, A., Kalinaj, M., and Fontboté, L., Depositing >1.5 Mt of Tin Within <1 m.y. of Initial Granitic Intrusion in the San Rafael Tin (-Copper) Deposit, Southeastern Peru, Economic Geology, vol. 118, pp. 1371-1396, 2023.
H. Liu, Harris, J., Sherlock, R., Behnia, P., Grunsky, E., Naghizadeh, M., Rubingh, K., Tuba, G., Roots, E., and Hill, G., Mineral prospectivity mapping using machine learning techniques for gold exploration in the Larder Lake area, Ontario, Canada, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 253, p. 107279, 2023.
K. T. Tait, White, L. F., Hastie, E. C. G., Crabtree, D. C., Gibson, H. L., Sherlock, R. L., Petrus, J. A., and Langelier, B., Nanoscale Distribution of Elements in Gold: Examples from Contrasting Deposit Types, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 61, pp. 433-444, 2023.
T. Monecke, T. Reynolds, J., Taksavasu, T., Tharalson, E. R., Zeeck, L. R., Guzman, M., Gissler, G., and Sherlock, R., Natural growth of gold dendrites within silica gels, Geology, vol. 51, pp. 189-192, 2023.
T. Monecke, T. Reynolds, J., Taksavasu, T., Tharalson, E. R., Zeeck, L. R., Guzman, M., Gissler, G., and Sherlock, R., Natural growth of gold dendrites within silica gels, Geology, vol. 51, pp. 189-192, 2023.
A. Godet, Guilmette, C., Marsh, J. H., Rottier, B., Tinkham, D., Malta, I. Siles, Rehm, A., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Hamilton, M. A., Ribeiro, D., and Beaudoin, G., Origin, nature, and evolution of the northern Pontiac subprovince, Canada: Insights from the intrusive record, Precambrian Research, vol. 396, p. 107169, 2023.
A. Godet, Guilmette, C., Marsh, J. H., Rottier, B., Tinkham, D., Malta, I. Siles, Rehm, A., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Hamilton, M. A., Ribeiro, D., and Beaudoin, G., Origin, nature, and evolution of the northern Pontiac subprovince, Canada: Insights from the intrusive record, Precambrian Research, vol. 396, p. 107169, 2023.
J. D. Pfister, Kontak, D. J., and Groat, L. A., Textural and Mineralogical Evolution of the Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group (NWT, Canada) with Implications for Metasomatism, Rare-Metal Mineralization, and Pegmatite–Wall Rock Interaction, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 61, pp. 467-505, 2023.
S. Paradis, Simandl, G. J., Drage, N., D'Souza, R. J., Kontak, D. J., and Waller, Z., Carbonate-hosted deposits (Mississippi Valley-type, magnesite, and REE-F-Ba) of the southeastern Canadian Cordillera: a review and isotopic data comparison, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: volcanic- and sediment-hosted massive-sulfide deposit genesis and exploration methods, vol. Bulletin 617, M. G. Gadd and Peter, J. M., Eds. Geological Survey of Canada, 2022, pp. 39-87.
D. R. Mole, Frieman, B. M., Thurston, P. C., Marsh, J. H., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Stern, R. A., Martin, L. A. J., Lu, Y. J., and Gibson, H. L., Crustal architecture of the south-east Superior Craton and controls on mineral systems, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 148, p. 105017, 2022.
Y. Wang, C. Lesher, M., Lightfoot, P. C., Pattison, E. F., and J. Golightly, P., Genesis of Sublayer, Footwall Breccia, and Associated Ni-Cu-Platinum Group Element Mineralization in the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Economic Geology, vol. 117, pp. 1791-1807, 2022.
A. Ielpi, Lapôtre, M. G. A., Gibling, M. R., and C. Boyce, K., The impact of vegetation on meandering rivers, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2022.
T. R. C. Jørgensen, Gibson, H. L., Roots, E. A., Vayavur, R., Hill, G. J., Snyder, D. B., and Naghizadeh, M., The implications of crustal architecture and transcrustal upflow zones on the metal endowment of a world-class mineral district, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p. 14710, 2022.
D. J. Kontak, Paradis, S., Waller, Z., and Fayek, M., Petrographic, fluid inclusion, and secondary ion mass spectrometry stable isotopic (O, S) study of Mississippi Valley-type mineralization in British Columbia and Alberta, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: volcanic- and sediment-hosted massive-sulfide deposit genesis and exploration methods, vol. Bulletin 617, J. M. Peter and Gadd, M. G., Eds. Geological Survey of Canada, 2022, pp. 203-245.
M. Herzog, Laflamme, C., Beaudoin, G., Marsh, J., and Guilmette, C., U–Pb vein xenotime geochronology constraints on timing and longevity of orogenic gold mineralization in the Malartic-Val-d’Or Camp, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada, Mineralium Deposita, 2022.