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“Planform-asymmetry and backwater effects on river-cutoff kinematics and clustering”, Earth Surface Processes and LandformsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. n/a, Submitted.
, “Geochemical footprints of peraluminous rare-metal granites and pegmatites in the northern French Massif Central and implications for exploration targeting”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 176, p. 106409, 2025.
, “Discriminating Superimposed Alteration Associated with Epigenetic Base and Precious Metal Vein Systems in the Rouyn-Noranda Mining District, Quebec; Implications for Exploration in Ancient Volcanic Districts”, Economic Geology, vol. 119, pp. 617-641, 2024.
, “Fluid inclusions in magmatic ilmenite record degassing in basic magmas”, Communications Earth & Environment, vol. 5, p. 626, 2024.
, “Fluid inclusions in magmatic ilmenite record degassing in basic magmas”, Communications Earth & Environment, vol. 5, p. 626, 2024.
, “Microtextural evidence for the recrystallization of opal-A to quartz in epithermal veins: A case study from the McLaughlin deposit, California”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 169, p. 106105, 2024.
, “Microtextural evidence for the recrystallization of opal-A to quartz in epithermal veins: A case study from the McLaughlin deposit, California”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 169, p. 106105, 2024.
, “Stable isotopes (O, H) and quartz geochemistry provide insight to melt source and subsolidus fluid: Rock interaction in the Cretaceous Little Nahanni LCT Pegmatites (NWT, Canada)”, Chemical Geology, p. 122292, 2024.
, “Using Sulfide Mineral Chemistry to Understand PGE Mineralization Processes in the Platreef, Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa”, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 62, pp. 683-712, 2024.
, “Depositing >1.5 Mt of Tin Within <1 m.y. of Initial Granitic Intrusion in the San Rafael Tin (-Copper) Deposit, Southeastern Peru”, Economic Geology, vol. 118, pp. 1371-1396, 2023.
, “Mineral prospectivity mapping using machine learning techniques for gold exploration in the Larder Lake area, Ontario, Canada”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 253, p. 107279, 2023.
, “Nanoscale Distribution of Elements in Gold: Examples from Contrasting Deposit Types”, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 61, pp. 433-444, 2023.
, “Natural growth of gold dendrites within silica gels”, Geology, vol. 51, pp. 189-192, 2023.
, “Natural growth of gold dendrites within silica gels”, Geology, vol. 51, pp. 189-192, 2023.
, “Origin, nature, and evolution of the northern Pontiac subprovince, Canada: Insights from the intrusive record”, Precambrian Research, vol. 396, p. 107169, 2023.
, “Origin, nature, and evolution of the northern Pontiac subprovince, Canada: Insights from the intrusive record”, Precambrian Research, vol. 396, p. 107169, 2023.
, “Textural and Mineralogical Evolution of the Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group (NWT, Canada) with Implications for Metasomatism, Rare-Metal Mineralization, and Pegmatite–Wall Rock Interaction”, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 61, pp. 467-505, 2023.
, “Carbonate-hosted deposits (Mississippi Valley-type, magnesite, and REE-F-Ba) of the southeastern Canadian Cordillera: a review and isotopic data comparison”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: volcanic- and sediment-hosted massive-sulfide deposit genesis and exploration methods, vol. Bulletin 617, Geological Survey of Canada, 2022, pp. 39-87.
, “Crustal architecture of the south-east Superior Craton and controls on mineral systems”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 148, p. 105017, 2022.
, “Genesis of Sublayer, Footwall Breccia, and Associated Ni-Cu-Platinum Group Element Mineralization in the Sudbury Igneous Complex”, Economic Geology, vol. 117, pp. 1791-1807, 2022.
, “The impact of vegetation on meandering rivers”, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2022.
, “The implications of crustal architecture and transcrustal upflow zones on the metal endowment of a world-class mineral district”, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p. 14710, 2022.
, “Petrographic, fluid inclusion, and secondary ion mass spectrometry stable isotopic (O, S) study of Mississippi Valley-type mineralization in British Columbia and Alberta”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: volcanic- and sediment-hosted massive-sulfide deposit genesis and exploration methods, vol. Bulletin 617, Geological Survey of Canada, 2022, pp. 203-245.
, , “Distinguishing mid-channel and bank-attached fluvial bars by flow divergence: Implications for the interpretation of stratigraphic records”, Sedimentology, vol. n/a, 2021.