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“Structural analysis of an area of ductile deformation between the Murray Fault and the Grenville Front Boundary Fault near Coniston, Ontario”, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2025.
, “A case history using gravity data to validate alternate interpretations of the material below a deep seismic reflector in the Matheson area of Ontario, Canada”, Geophysics, pp. B443-B452, 2024.
, “Development and application of feature engineered geological layers for ranking magmatic, volcanogenic, and orogenic system components in Archean greenstone belts”, Geoscience Frontiers, vol. 15, p. 101759, 2024.
, “Unusual sulfide-rich magmatic apatite crystals from >2.7 Ga Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada”, American Mineralogist, 2024.
, “Using gravity data uncertainties in forward modeling to estimate uncertainties in model parameters: A case history in estimating the dip and the dip uncertainty of the Porcupine Destor Fault”, Geophysics, vol. 89, pp. B229-B240, 2024.
, “Using Sulfide Mineral Chemistry to Understand PGE Mineralization Processes in the Platreef, Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa”, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 62, pp. 683-712, 2024.
, “Density and magnetic susceptibility of major rock types within the Abitibi greenstone belt: a compilation with examples of its use in constraining inversion”, Exploration Geophysics, vol. 54, pp. 647-669, 2023.
, “Geophysical transects in the Abitibi greenstone belt of Canada from the mineral-exploration-oriented Metal Earth project”, The Leading Edge, vol. 42, pp. 245-255, 2023.
, “Geophysical transects in the Abitibi greenstone belt of Canada from the mineral-exploration-oriented Metal Earth project”, The Leading Edge, vol. 42, pp. 245-255, 2023.
, “Origin, nature, and evolution of the northern Pontiac subprovince, Canada: Insights from the intrusive record”, Precambrian Research, vol. 396, p. 107169, 2023.
, “Random forest classification for volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization in the Rouyn-Noranda Area, Quebec”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 161, p. 105612, 2023.
, “Crustal architecture of the south-east Superior Craton and controls on mineral systems”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 148, p. 105017, 2022.
, “An Early Cretaceous gold mineralization event in the Triassic West Qinling orogen revealed from U-Pb titanite dating of the Ma’anqiao gold deposit”, Science China Earth Sciences, 2022.
, “Formation of oxidized sulfur-rich magmas in Neoarchaean subduction zones”, Nature Geoscience, 2022.
, “The implications of crustal architecture and transcrustal upflow zones on the metal endowment of a world-class mineral district”, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p. 14710, 2022.
, “Mesoarchean diamonds formed in thickened lithosphere, caused by slab-stacking”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 592, p. 117633, 2022.
, “Mineral chemistry-driven protocol to unravel the complex paragenesis of the Klaza (Yukon, Canada) superimposed porphyry-epithermal system”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 143, p. 104761, 2022.
, “Sedimentary processes, provenance, and tectonic control on fluvial sandstone geochemistry during Superior craton stabilization”, Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent. Geological Society of America, 2022.
, “Crustal-Scale Geology and Fault Geometry Along the Gold-Endowed Matheson Transect of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, 2021.
, “Mapping structural complexity using geophysics: A new geostatistical approach applied to greenstone belts of the southern Superior Province, Canada”, Tectonophysics, vol. 812, p. 228889, 2021.
, “The nature of the southern West African craton lithosphere inferred from its electrical resistivity”, Precambrian Research, vol. 358, p. 106190, 2021.
, “The nature of the southern West African craton lithosphere inferred from its electrical resistivity”, Precambrian Research, vol. 358, p. 106190, 2021.
, “Oxidized sulfur-rich arc magmas formed porphyry Cu deposits by 1.88 Ga”, Nature Communications, vol. 12, p. 2189, 2021.
, “Paleoproterozoic gold events in the southern West African Craton: review and synopsis”, Mineralium Deposita, 2021.
, “Recognizing subsurface breccias in Archean terranes: Implications for district scale metallogeny”, Precambrian Research, vol. 361, p. 106264, 2021.