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Filters: Author is Lafrance, B. and First Letter Of Title is G  [Clear All Filters]
B. Lafrance, Geology of the orogenic Cheminis gold deposit along the Larder Lake - Cadillac deformation zone, Ontario, Canadian Journal of Earth SciencesCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 52, pp. 1093-1108, 2015.
Cx3ebTimes Cited:2Cited References Count:40
J. Mukwakwami, Lesher, C. M., and Lafrance, B., Geochemistry of Deformed and Hydrothermally Mobilized Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE Ores at the Garson Mine, Sudbury, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 109, pp. 367-386, 2014.
M. S. Engelbert, Gibson, H. L., and Lafrance, B., Geologic setting, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Photo Lake VMS deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba, in Geological Association of Canada-MAC/Atlantic Geoscience Society joint annual meeting; Illuminating the past 175 years, vol. 37, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2014, p. 84.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-000482Photo Lake Deposit
B. Lafrance and Kamber, B. S., Geochemical and microstructural evidence for in situ formation of pseudotachylitic Sudbury breccia by shock-induced compression and cataclasis, Precambrian ResearchPrecambrian Research, vol. 180, pp. 237-250, 2010.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2011-037698Bennett LakeLaurentian LakeMississagi SandstoneNipissing Gabbro
R. - L. Simard, MacLachlan, K., Gibson, H. L., DeWolfe, Y. M., Devine, C., Kremer, P. D., Lafrance, B., Ames, D., Syme, E. C., Bailes, A. H., Bailey, K., Price, D., Pehrsson, S., Cole, E., Lewis, D., and Galley, A. G., Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K12, 13), Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources, Geoscience Map 2010-2;
Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, 2010.
R. L. Simard, MacLachlan, K., Gibson, H. L., DeWolfe, Y. M., Devine, C., Kremer, P. D., Lafrance, B., Ames, D., Syme, E. C., Bailes, A., Pehrsson, S., Price, D., Bailey, K., Cole, E., and Galley, A. G., Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K12-13), Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. Geoscientific Map, Scale 1:10 000, 2010.
V. Ispolatov, Lafrance, B., Dube, B., Creaser, R. A., and Hamilton, M. A., Geologic and structural setting of gold mineralization in the Kirkland Lake-Larder Lake gold belt, Ontario, in A special issue devoted to base metal and gold metallogeny at regional, camp, and deposit scales in the Abitibi greenstone belt, vol. 103, J. A. Ayer, Thurston, P. C., and Lafrance, B., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2008, pp. 1309-1340.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2009-020491Anoki DepositCheminis DepositKerr-Addison-Chesterville DepositKirkland Lake DepositKirkland Lake FaultKirkland Lake-Larder Lake gold beltMcBean DepositOmega DepositUpper Canada Deposit
V. Ispolatov, Lafrance, B., Dube, B., Creaser, R. A., and Hamilton, M. A., Geologic and structural setting of gold mineralization in the Kirkland Lake-Larder Lake gold belt, Ontario, in A special issue devoted to base metal and gold metallogeny at regional, camp, and deposit scales in the Abitibi greenstone belt, vol. 103, J. A. Ayer, Thurston, P. C., and Lafrance, B., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2008, pp. 1309-1340.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2009-020491Anoki DepositCheminis DepositKerr-Addison-Chesterville DepositKirkland Lake DepositKirkland Lake FaultKirkland Lake-Larder Lake gold beltMcBean DepositOmega DepositUpper Canada Deposit
V. Ispolatov, Lafrance, B., Dube, B., Creaser, R., and Hamilton, M., Geologic and Structural Setting of Gold Mineralization in the Kirkland Lake-Larder Lake Gold Belt, Ontario, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 103, pp. 1309-1340, 2008.
B. Hathway, Hudak, G., and Hamilton, M. A., Geologic setting of volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits in the Kamiskotia area, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada, in A special issue devoted to base metal and gold metallogeny at regional, camp, and deposit scales in the Abitibi greenstone belt, vol. 103, J. A. Ayer, Thurston, P. C., and Lafrance, B., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2008, pp. 1185-1202.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2009-020485Canadian Jamieson MineGenex MineJameland MineKam Kotia MineKamiskotia ComplexKamiskotia OntarioKidd ComplexLoveland OntarioMacdiarmid OntarioThorburn Ontario
V. Ispolatov, Lafrance, B., Dube, B., Creaser, R., and Hamilton, M., Geologie and structural setting of gold mineralization in the Kirkland Lake-Larder Lake gold belt, Ontario, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 103, pp. 1309-1340, 2008.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20090911922570Deformation zoneGold mineralizationHydrothermal systemRegional deformationsStretching lineationsStructural settingThree generationsVolcanic assemblages
B. Lafrance and DeWolfe, J. C., Gold mineralization during regional dextral transpression in the Beardmore-Geraldton Belt, Wabigoon Subprovince, Ontario, in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting Abstracts, vol. 29, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2004, p. 140.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2011-059766Beardmore-Geraldton Belt