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Filters: Author is MacNaughton, R.B.  [Clear All Filters]
E. C. Turner, Roots, C. F., MacNaughton, R. B., Long, D. G. F., Fischer, B., Gordey, S. P., Martel, E., and Pope, M., Chapter 3: Stratigraphy., in Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A) and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories, vol. NWT Special Volume 1, E. Martel, Turner, E. C., and Fischer, B., Eds. NWT Geoscience Office, 2011, pp. 31-192.
J. D. Aitken, Turner, E. C., and MacNaughton, R. B., Thirty-six archival stratigraphic sections in the Katherine, Little Dal; Coates Lake, and Rapitan groups (Neoproterozoic), Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, 2011.
M. L. Bouchard, Turner, E. C., MacNaughton, R. B., and Rainbird, R. H., Chemostratigraphic correlation of the epicratonic Lower to Middle Cambrian Mount Clark, Mount Cap and Saline River formations, northern mainland Northwest Territories, Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, vol. 40. Kingston, ON, p. 37, 2017.
E. C. Turner, MacNaughton, R. B., and Fallas, K., Litho- and chemostratigraphic transect of the Cambro-Ordovician Franklin Mountain Formation across the interior plains, NWT, Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, vol. 40. Kingston, ON, p. 389, 2017.