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Book Chapter
D. K. Tinkham and Karlapalem, N., Hydrothermal alteration and metamorphism of the Sherridon Structure, Sherridon area, Manitoba (part of NTS 63N3), in Explore in Manitoba; report of activities 2008, vol. 2008, E. C. Syme, Ed. Manitoba Geological Survey, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 2008, pp. 79-86.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2009-064429Sherridon ManitobaSherridon Structure
D. Tinkham and Karlapalem, N., Geochemical data and alteration indices for the Sherridon structure, Manitoba (part of NTS 63N3). Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, 2008.