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Filters: Author is Mungall, James E.  [Clear All Filters]
K. Guo, Mungall, J. E., and Smith, R. S., The ratio of B-field and dB/dt time constants from time-domain electromagnetic data; a new tool for estimating size and conductivity of mineral deposits, Exploration Geophysics (Melbourne), vol. 44, pp. 238-244, 2013.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-067978B-fieldEagle's Nest DepositVTEM
S. J. Barnes, Mungall, J. E., Le Vaillant, M., Godel, B., Lesher, C. M., Holwell, D., Lightfoot, P. C., Krivolutskaya, N., and Wei, B., Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits: Disseminated and net-textured ores, American MineralogistAmerican Mineralogist, vol. 102, pp. 473-506, 2017.
S. J. Barnes, Mungall, J. E., Le Vaillant, M., Godel, B., C. Lesher, M., Holwell, D., Lightfoot, P. C., Krivolutskaya, N., and Wei, B., Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits; disseminated and net-textured ores, American MineralogistAmerican Mineralogist, vol. 102, pp. 473-506, 2017.
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