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Journal Article
A. Ielpi and Ghinassi, M., A sedimentary model for early Palaeozoic fluvial fans, Alderney Sandstone Formation (Channel Islands, UK), Sedimentary Geology, vol. 342, pp. 31-46, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-001264Alderney IslandAlderney SandstoneCorblets SandstoneQuesnard Sandstone
M. Ghinassi and Ielpi, A., Precambrian snapshots: Morphodynamics of Torridonian fluvial braid bars revealed by three-dimensional photogrammetry and outcrop sedimentology, Sedimentology, vol. 65, pp. 492-516, 2017.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20180504688802Complex mechanismsLateral accretionsMorphodynamic modelsMorphodynamicsPre vegetationsProterozoicSediment availabilityTorridonian
A. Ielpi, Lapôtre, M. G. A., Finotello, A., and Ghinassi, M., Planform-asymmetry and backwater effects on river-cutoff kinematics and clustering, Earth Surface Processes and LandformsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. n/a, Submitted.
M. Cosma, Finotello, A., Ielpi, A., Ventra, D., Oms, O., D'Alpaos, A., and Ghinassi, M., Piracy-controlled geometry of tide-dominated point bars: Combined evidence from ancient sedimentary successions and modern channel networks, GeomorphologyGeomorphology, p. 107402, 2020.
A. Ielpi, Fralick, P., Ventra, D., Ghinassi, M., Lebeau, L. E., Marconato, A., Meek, R., and Rainbird, R. H., Fluvial floodplains prior to greening of the continents: Stratigraphic record, geodynamic setting, and modern analogues, Sedimentary GeologySedimentary Geology, vol. 372, pp. 140-172, 2018.
M. Ghinassi, Ielpi, A., Aldinucci, M., and Fustic, M., Downstream-migrating fluvial point bars in the rock record, Sedimentary Geology, vol. 334, pp. 66-96, 2016.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20160601910017Architectural elementCross-sectional configurationsDegree of confinementErosion resistantFloodplain depositsMeander bendsPoint barPreservation potential
A. Ielpi, Ventra, D., and Ghinassi, M., Deeply channelled Precambrian rivers; remote sensing and outcrop evidence from the 1.2 Ga Stoer Group of NW Scotland, Precambrian ResearchPrecambrian Research, vol. 281, pp. 291-311, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-018294northwestern ScotlandStoer GroupStoer Peninsula
A. Ielpi, Lapôtre, M. G. A., Finotello, A., Ghinassi, M., and D'Alpaos, A., Channel mobility drives a diverse stratigraphic architecture in the dryland Mojave River (California, USA), Earth Surface Processes and LandformsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. n/a, 2020.