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Filters: Author is Mungall, J. E.  [Clear All Filters]
Book Chapter
A. M. McDonald, Cabri, L. J., Stanley, C. J., Rudashevsky, N. S., Poirier, G., Mungall, J. E., Ross, K. C., Durham, B. R., and Rudashevsky, V. N., Ungavaite, Pd (sub 4) Sb (sub 3) a new intermetallic mineral species from the Mesamax Northwest Deposit, Ungava region, Quebec, Canada; description and genetic implications, in S (super 3) ; sulfides, structures, and synchrotron light; a tribute to Michael E. Fleet, vol. 43, Part 5, G. S. Henderson, Pan, Y., and Martin, R. F., Eds. Mineralogical Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2005, pp. 1735-1744.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2006-039703Mesamax Northwest Depositungavaite
Journal Article
L. J. Cabri, McDonald, A. M., Stanley, C. J., Rudashevsky, N. S., Poirier, G., Durham, B. R., Mungall, J. E., and Rudashevsky, V. N., Naldrettite, Pd2Sb, a new intermetallic mineral from the Mesamax Northwest deposit, Ungava region, Quebec, Canada, Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 69, pp. 89-97, 2005.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.2005169048855ChalcopyriteElectron microprobe analysisGalenaMicro indentation
K. Guo, Mungall, J. E., and Smith, R. S., The ratio of B-field and dB/dt time constants from time-domain electromagnetic data: a new tool for estimating size and conductivity of mineral deposits, Exploration GeophysicsExploration Geophysics, vol. 44, pp. 238-244, 2013.
258rzTimes Cited:1Cited References Count:19
A. M. McDonald, Cabri, L. J., Stanley, C. J., Rudashevsky, N. S., Poirier, G., Mungall, J. E., Ross, K. C., Durham, B. R., and Rudashevsky, V. N., Ungavaite, Pd4Sb3, a new intermetallic mineral species from the Mesamax Northwest deposit, Ungava Region, Quebec, Canada: Description and genetic implications, Canadian MineralogistCanadian MineralogistCanadian Mineralogist, vol. 43, pp. 1735-1744, 2005.
5010vnTimes Cited:11Cited References Count:22