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D. J. Kontak, Turner, E. C., Mathieu, J., and Hahn, K. E., Diagenetic and mineralising fluids are more than just wt. % equivalent NaCl!, Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, vol. 40. Kingston, ON, p. 208, 2017.
J. Mathieu, Kontak, D. J., Turner, E. C., and Fayek, M., Fluid history of the carbonate-hosted Storm Copper showing, Somerset Island, Arctic Canada, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2017.
J. Mathieu, Turner, E. C., and Rainbird, R. H., Intact paleocaves linked to sediment fluidisation structures at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary (Victoria Island, NWT), Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, vol. 40. Kingston, ON, p. 251, 2017.
J. Mathieu, Turner, E. C., and Rainbird, R. H., Origin and hydrology of a large, intact Early Cambrian paleocave system and its role in overlying fluidisation structures, Arctic Canada, Sedimentary GeologySedimentary Geology, vol. 351, pp. 66-79, 2017.
Es4lfTimes Cited:0Cited References Count:100
J. Mathieu, Kontak, D. J., Turner, E. C., Fayek, M., and Layne, G., Geochemistry of Phanerozoic diagenesis on Victoria Island, NWT, Canada, Chemical GeologyChemical Geology, vol. 415, pp. 47-69, 2015.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-044017Cornwallis zinc districtPolaris MineVictoria Island FormationWynniatt Formation
J. Mathieu, Kontak, D. J., Turner, E. C., Fayek, M., and Layne, G., Geochemistry of Phanerozoic diagenesis on Victoria Island, NWT, Canada, Chemical GeologyChemical Geology, vol. 415, pp. 47-69, 2015.
J. Mathieu, Kontak, D. J., and Turner, E. C., Fluid inclusion study of hydrothermal dolomite and other late-stage cements in Neoproterozoic dolostone of the Wynniatt Formation (Victoria Island, NWT), in PACROFI XI; 11th Pan-American current research on fluid inclusions conference; abstracts with program, I. Samson, Gagnon, J., and Price, M., Eds. University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada, 2012, pp. 61-62.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2015-118194Minto InlierShaler SupergroupWynniatt Formation