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“The Magino Gold Deposit, Ontario, Canada: An Overprinted Archean Intrusion-Related Gold Deposit”, Economic Geology, 2024.
, “Microtextural evidence for the recrystallization of opal-A to quartz in epithermal veins: A case study from the McLaughlin deposit, California”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 169, p. 106105, 2024.
, “Mineral prospectivity mapping using machine learning techniques for gold exploration in the Larder Lake area, Ontario, Canada”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 253, p. 107279, 2023.
, “Mineralogical and chemical characterization of Mississippi-Valley–type mineralization in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada: Implications for ore-forming processes”, in Irish-type Zn-Pb deposits around the World volume ("The Lime Green Book"), Irish Association for Economic Geology, 2023, pp. 629-656.
, “Magmatic, hydrothermal and ore element transfer processes of the southeastern Archean Superior Province implied from electrical resistivity structure”, Gondwana Research, vol. 105, pp. 84-95, 2022.
, “Mesoarchean diamonds formed in thickened lithosphere, caused by slab-stacking”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 592, p. 117633, 2022.
, “Mineral chemistry-driven protocol to unravel the complex paragenesis of the Klaza (Yukon, Canada) superimposed porphyry-epithermal system”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 143, p. 104761, 2022.
, “Mo isotope composition of the 0.85 Ga ocean from coupled carbonate and shale archives: Some implications for pre-Cryogenian oxygenation”, Precambrian Research, vol. 378, p. 106760, 2022.
, “Mapping structural complexity using geophysics: A new geostatistical approach applied to greenstone belts of the southern Superior Province, Canada”, Tectonophysics, vol. 812, p. 228889, 2021.
, “Machine learning for source identification of dust on the Chinese Loess Plateau”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. n/a, p. e2020GL088950, 2020.
, “Mineral chemistry of gahnite from the Lalor metamorphosed VHMS deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba”, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 58, pp. 511-532, 2020.
, “Multiple-order moments of the transient electromagnetic response of a one-dimensional earth with finite conductance – theory”, Exploration Geophysics, vol. 52, pp. 1-15, 2020.
, “Model for the formation of single-thread rivers in barren landscapes and implications for pre-Silurian and martian fluvial deposits”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth SurfaceJournal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2019.
, “Magmatic evolution and porphyry-epithermal mineralization in the Taftan volcanic complex, southeastern Iran”, Ore Geology ReviewsOre Geology Reviews, vol. 95, pp. 258-279, 2018.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.822164-15
“Mantle composition, age and geotherm beneath the Darby Kimberlite field, West Central Rae Craton”, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2018.
, “Mapping a new exposure of the basal unconformity between the Hearst and Larder Lake Assemblages, Skead Township, Northeastern Ontario”, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2018.
, “Mica composition as a vector to gold mineralization: Deciphering hydrothermal and metamorphic effects in the Malartic District, Québec”, Ore Geology ReviewsOre Geology Reviews, 2018.
, “Mineral chemistry of gahnite from the Lalor metamorphosed VMS deposit, Snow Lake, MB”, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2018.
, “Mineral favourability mapping using weights of evidence”, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2018.
, “Modelling and straight-ray tomographic imaging studies of cross-hole radio-frequency electromagnetic data for mineral exploration”, Geophysical ProspectingGeophysical Prospecting, vol. 66, pp. 282-299, 2018.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.818900-3
“Morphodynamics of meandering streams devoid of plant life: Amargosa River, Death Valley, California”, Geological Society of America BulletinGeological Society of America Bulletin, 2018.
“Magma fertility indicators”, in FUTORES, Townsville, Australia, 2017.
, “Magmatism and relationships to sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative – 2016 Report of Activities, vol. Open File 8199, Geological Survey of Canada, 2017, pp. 115-121.
, “Magmatism and relationships to sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits”, Open-File Report - Geological Survey of CanadaOpen-File Report - Geological Survey of Canada, pp. 115-121, 2017.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-074212Anvil mining districtKeno Hill mining districtMacMillan Pass mining districtnorthern British Columbia
“Metavolcanic host rocks, mineralization, and gossans of the Shaib al Tair and Rabathan volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits of the Wadi Bidah mineral district, Saudi Arabia”, International Geology Review, vol. 59, pp. 1975-2002, 2017.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2018-046633Rabathan DepositShaib al Tair DepositWadi Bidah mineral district