What better place to explore and study the earth than in beautiful Northern Ontario surrounded by 330 lakes and 1,000 km of trails making your backyard your very own laboratory. Take advantage of the North to experience an unparalleled learning environment in the Earth Sciences undergraduate program.
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The Harquail School of Earth Sciences (HES) offers Earth Sciences undergraduate and graduate level programs. The school comprises 20 award-winning faculty (including three GAC-MDD Duncan Derry Medal winners), and presently has the highest level of NSERC and TGI funding in economic geology of any university in Canada.
Located in the world's largest geology and mining cluster in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, on the rim of one of the world's oldest, largest, and best-exposed asteroid impact sites, we have a setting for field-based teaching and research that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. The wide range of geological environments, including Precambrian volcano-sedimentary belts, the Huronian Basin, the Grenville orogenic complex, and Paleozoic sequences, offers unparalleled opportunities for undergraduate and graduate studies in ore deposits, structural geology, geophysics, mineralogy, igneous and metamorphic petrology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology and environmental geosciences.