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Alumni Story: Jennifer Neild, CEO of Peak Minerals Ltd, Australia

The Harquail School of Earth Sciences has many reasons to celebrate our geology alumna Jennifer Neild, who has been the Chief Executive Officer of Peak Minerals Ltd. in Western Australia for more than a year now! 

In her 18+ years working in resource geology and mine reconciliation, her career has taken her to mineral deposits across Canada and Australia, such as gold, uranium, nickel-copper-PGEs, SEDEX, iron ore, and skarn deposits.  

Jennifer’s passion for geoscience shines brightly when you meet her at conferences (pssst - you might see her next at PDAC in Toronto in March 2023). She feels excited and challenged as ever by the people she meets within the geoscience field. 

Graduated with a BSc in Geology from Laurentian University in 2006, she then did her MSc in Geophysics at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia, looking at seismic inversion and seismic attributes of the Kevitsa nickel-copper-PGE deposit. 

As a professional geologist with expertise in structural geology, geological modelling, and seismic geophysics, she is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

Many thanks to Jennifer Neild who is happy to be in our post, inspiring you women and girls to pursue a STEM career. 




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  • Pegmatite Workshop

    Friday, January 31st
    Time: 08:30am - 05:30pm

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    Sunday, March 2nd
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