13 OctCareers: Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Metallogeny
The Harquail School of Earth Sciences (HES) and Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC) at Laurentian University invite applications for a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Metallogeny that integrates ore system research with broad scale tectonic processes.
The CRC Program was created by the Government of Canada to cultivate world-class research and development. Tier I Canada Research Chairs are funded on a renewable 7-year term ( and are designed for exceptional researchers. The position is contingent on the successful candidate submitting a full proposal, with the help of Laurentian, and being approved by the Canada Research Program. This position will be filled at the tenured Full Professor level. Tier I CRCs are for outstanding researchers acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their fields.
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About the Position
The Harquail School of Earth Sciences (HES) and Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC) at Laurentian University invite applications for a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Metallogeny that integrates ore system research with broad scale tectonic processes. The Chair will enhance research and teaching in the field of ore deposit geology and tectonics, and advance the position of Laurentian University as a centre of excellence in Mineral Deposits and Precambrian Geology. The Chair will be a scientific leader of Metal Earth, a Canadian $104 million R&D program led by Laurentian University. Funded through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, Metal Earth will transform our understanding of metal endowment and the genesis of base and precious metal deposits during Earth’s Evolution (
We seek an innovative individual with an outstanding record of research and publication, who will provide leadership for national and international collaborative research and become a focus for integration of research initiatives involving HES/MERC, the Ontario Geological Survey/Ontario Geoscience Laboratories (located in the same building), and the mining industry. The Chair will be expected to contribute to our BSc, MSc, and PhD programs. The successful applicant will have access to a recently updated LA-ICP-MS facility (Teledyne Cetac Analyte G2 Excimer Laser, Thermo Neptune Plus high-resolution MC-ICP-MS, and iCap TQ triplequadrupole ICP-MS with dedicated full-time PhD technician), and a wide range of additional preparation and analytical equipment, including a rock sawing/sectioning/polishing workshop, mineral separation laboratories, fluid inclusion lab (visible and IR), X-ray diffractometers, SEMEDS with top-of-the-line CL detector, and a Raman microscope. Members of HES also have access to EPMA, SEM, XRFS, ICP-AES, and solution ICP-MS facilities in the Ontario Geoscience Laboratories. Additional information about the School and MERC can be found at and
Application Requirements
A PhD degree in a related field is required at the time of appointment. Applications, including a statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching, an overview of research interests, and a curriculum vitae should be sent as PDF files to In addition, applicants should arrange to have three letters of reference directly sent to the email address above. Review of applications will begin immediately once the three reference letters have been received, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Questions concerning the position may be directed to Dr. Douglas Tinkham at