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Congratulations Spring Graduates


Congratulations to our graduates of Spring 2023!

Faculty, staff, students and researchers congratulate nine BSc, seven MSc, and three PhD graduates of the Harquail School of Earth Sciences. They join the ranks of a proud family of alumni who continue to make a difference worldwide.

Harquail School of Earth Sciences graduates will be celebrated during Laurentian University's Convocation ceremonies in person and online.

We thank our graduates for their contributions to our School, and wish them well as they begin, or continue, their careers!

BSc Earth Sciences (General, 3 year)

Odeleye, Toluwani

BSc Earth Sciences (Specialization, 4 year)

Brisson, Maximilien (also received a Certificate of Bilingualism)
Giles, Evan
Gomes, Carlos
Hatton, Carolyn, with Honours
Spears, Seager 

Benoit, Christopher, Cum Laude
Gauthier, Nia
Savage, Patrick

BSc Environmental Geoscience (Specialization, 4 year)

Veillette, Simon, Cum Laude (also received a Certificate of Bilingualism)

Applied Masters in Mineral Exploration (2 year)

Diab, Ali
Elhassan, Osman


Applied Masters in Mineral Exploration (1 year)

Groh, Jess


MSc Geology 

Fouillard, Gabrielle, The Archean Hammond Reef Deposit: the Formation of an Orogenic Gold Deposit in a Contractional Step-Over-Zone Along a Major Strike-Slip Fault System

Tamosauskas, Michael, Depositional History of the Ament Bay Assemblage in the Sturgeon Lake Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Ontario: Implications for Gold Metallogeny

Whitney, Jenna, Geomorphic and Carbon Dynamics in a Continuous Permafrost a Floodplain: West Blackstone River, Yukon, Canada

PhD - Mineral Deposits and Precambrian Geology

Justina, Fabiano
The Incorporation of Geophysical, Petrophysical and Geological Constraints in Gravity Modeling to Resolve Structures at Depth

Patzke, Mollie
Tectono-Depositional Characterization and Sedimentary Provenance of the Mesoproterozoic Fury and Hecla Basin, Nunavut, Canada

Schofield, Marina
Metallogeny of the Powell Block, Rouyn-Noranda Mining District, Québec

Upcoming Events

  • Spring Open House

    Saturday, March 15th
    Time: 09:30am - 03:00pm
    Location: 935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 6H6, Canada