30 MayDr. Harold Gibson presented with LU Research Excellence Award
Dr. Harold Gibson, Director of the Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC), was presented today the Laurentian University’s Research Excellence Award, in recognition of a career of research excellence in economic geology and volcanology.
On the picture, Dr. Gibson stands with Steve Paikin, Chancellor (on his left) and Dominic Giroux, President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University (on his right).
One of Dr. Gibson latest endeavours was spearheading the development and proposal of the 7-year research project called Metal Earth. The announcement of $49,269,000 from the Canada First Research Excellence Award (CFREF) plus $55,000,000 from partners in academia, industry and government was made in September 2016.
Metal Earth is an unprecedented $104 million research project that will help the mining industry unlock the Earth’s mineral wealth. It is focused on Precambrian rocks that lie mostly in Canada’s Far North. These rocks contain 48% of our country’s metal wealth and with this comprehensive study of our Earth, it will make Canada the global leader in mineral exploration research. It will provide the scientific results needed to help industry increase discovery rates, leading to Canada’s next generation of mines and employment in the mining and supply sectors.