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Gem Detectives Event Aims to Inspire Future Geoscientists

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/gem-detectives-tickets-634785048167

Gem Detectives 

Get a free mineral identification kit, and hear the keynote by “Groovy Geologist” Cate Larsen

Children, teens, families, and teachers interested in Earth Sciences, and especially rocks, minerals, and planets, are invited to a free interactive event at Dynamic Earth with something for everyone! 

Guests are invited to bring in their own rocks and minerals to have them examined by a professional geologist, and they can take home one of 100 free mineral identification kits. 

They’ll also learn how to become gem detectives, followed by an interactive Kahoot! quiz, where great geology prizes will be awarded to three winners. 

The evening will end with “How We Study the Geology of Mars” with “Groovy Geologist” Cate Larsen. Cate has earned more than 500,000 followers through her funny and informative geological social media content. She is dedicated to bringing geology to the masses, and her growing global following is evidence of her success. 

Expert geologists will host this event as part of the international GAC-MAC-SGA Sudbury 2023 geological and mineralogical conference at Laurentian University. This session is free and open to the public, with advance registration through Eventbrite required due to limited seating. 


6 p.m. Gem Detectives Reception - Foyer    

  • Ask a professional geologist to identify your rock and mineral samples
  • Learn about examining rocks and minerals with professional geoscientists
  • Get a free mineral identification kit (one per family, while supplies last)


6:45 p.m. Gem Detectives demonstration and Kahoot! Quiz - Epiroc Theatre

Folks with smart devices may participate in this live demo about gems and minerals, followed by a Kahoot! Winners will receive prizes provided by the Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University. 


7:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Keynote presentation: “How We Study the Geology of Mars” by Cate Larsen - Epiroc Theatre

Join geologist and geoscience communicator Cate Larsen as she walks us through an engaging and entertaining discussion about Mars! 




This event is made possible by the Geological Association of Canada (GAC), the Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC), the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA), and Laurentian University’s Harquail School of Earth Sciences. The limited-edition mineral identification kits (100 in total) were generously donated by the MAC and assembled by geology students at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax. The students hope the kits will encourage young people to pursue geoscience studies and careers. 

Keynote speaker Cate Larsen, the Groovy Geologist, is a popular geo-communicator from New York State. She travels extensively in her mission to bring geology to the masses, which she does across multiple platforms on social media and beyond. Cate is exploring the geology of the Sudbury region with her more than 500,000 followers across Instagram and TikTok - be sure to follow her and see what she finds! 

Kahoot! Quizmaster Tobias Roth is a geoscientist and the outreach coordinator with the Harquail School of Earth Sciences at Laurentian University. Tobias’ enthusiasm for Earth Science and talents as a teacher and science communicator help students of all ages to develop their knowledge and curiosity and discover a passion for geology.

The Harquail School of Earth Sciences at Laurentian University offers some of the most comprehensive field- and laboratory-based Earth Science research, undergraduate and graduate programs in North America. Located in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, on the rim of one of the world's oldest, largest, and best-exposed asteroid impact sites, the School offers a setting for field-based teaching and research that cannot be duplicated elsewhere.  

The Geological Association of Canada (GAC®) is a national multi-disciplinary geoscience organization with representatives in all Canadian Territories and Provinces as well as the United States, Europe and other parts of the world. The GAC® makes significant contributions to the promotion and development of the geological sciences in Canada through publications, awards, conferences, meetings and exhibitions.

The Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) was formed in 1955 as a non-profit scientific organization to promote and advance the knowledge of mineralogy and the allied disciplines of crystallography, petrology, geochemistry and mineral deposits. It publishes The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology and a range of academic, educational, and reference texts and learning materials, and co-publishes Elements magazine. Through annual meetings, field trips, short courses, summer schools, and sponsored symposia, the Association provides a forum for the presentation and dissemination of current knowledge and advances to the worldwide community of earth scientists.

The Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) is an international scientific society that promotes the science of mineral deposits geology. Its worldwide membership of over 1300 is composed of researchers, professionals and students from university, industry and government interested in economic geology, mineral resources, industrial minerals and environmental aspects related to mineral deposits. Its publication, Mineralium Deposita, is recognized as a premier international scientific journal on mineral deposits geology. The SGA organizes biennial scientific meetings, international short courses and workshops and publishes the proceedings. The SGA also supports student

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