11 NovHarquail YMP Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to the 2018/2019 Young Mining Professionals (YMP) Scholarship Winners!
Derek Leung - The Yamana Student in Mining Scholarship
Derek is a recent BSc Hons graduate from the Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University and is now conducting his Masters by Research (MScR) at the University of Edinburgh.
"During his undergraduate studies, Derek gained valuable industry and field experience through summer student positions at Glencore Sudbury INO and the Metal Earth research project, while conducting research on a new mineral species. Minerals are the constituents of rocks and the containers of elements; therefore, Derek is passionate in applying mineralogy to enhance our knowledge of geological processes and develop tools for mineral exploration." -
Rebecca Montsion - The Orefinders Innovation in Mining Scholarship:
Rebecca is a joint PhD candidate at the Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University and at the University of Western Australia. Rebecca is completing her thesis on Factors contributing to metal endowment in the western Wabigoon and Abitibi subprovinces: a mineral prospectivity modelling approach for Precambrian greenstone belts which is within a thematic research project at Metal Earth conducted at Laurentian's Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC).
"Her work focuses on improving computer-based exploration techniques and specializes in 3D data integration as well as prospectivity and uncertainty analysis. In the future, Rebecca wishes to continue exploration method development research and advocate for multi-disciplinary collaboration in geoscience." -