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Metal Earth Welcomes Dr. Ross Sherlock

The Mineral Exploration Research Centre welcomes Ross Sherlock as the new incoming director of Metal Earth.

Dr. Sherlock is a professional geologist with over 30 years of experience in the mining industry and academic research. His background has focused on gold and base metal deposits in volcanic and intrusive environments working nationally and internationally. He has held senior positions with major mining companies including Vice President, Geoscience at Kinross Gold Corp., Exploration Manager, North America at Gold Fields and Project Manager, Senior Research Geologist at Miramar Mining Corporation. Prior to this, he was a Research Geoscientist at the Canada Nunavut Geoscience Office and Senior Geologist at SRK Consulting Engineers. He has led teams that are responsible for new discoveries and significant reserve and resource additions.

Dr. Sherlock completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of British Columbiaꞌs Mineral Deposits Research Unit (1993-1995), PhD at the University of Waterloo (1993), MSc at Lakehead University (1989), and BSc (Honours) at McMaster University, Canada (1986). He is a member of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC and Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO). He was awarded the William Gross award in 2003, which is bestowed annually by the Geological Association of Canada, to a geoscientist less than 40 years of age, who has made a significant contribution to the field of economic geology within Canada.


Dr. Ross Sherlock

Professor, Chair in Exploration Targeting
Director MERC, incoming Director for Metal Earth

HBSc (McMaster)

MSc (Lakehead): My thesis topic was a geological, geochemical fluid inclusion study of several epithermal silver deposits, in the Thunder Bay District. Thesis was supported by the Ontario Geoscience Research program as well as research and teaching assistantships.

PhD (Waterloo): My thesis involved a geological and geochemical study of the McLaughlin Gold Mine in northern California and was supported by Homestake Mining Company, an Ontario Graduate Scholarship as well as research and teaching assistantships.


Harquail School of Earth Sciences
Laurentian University
Sudbury, Ontario
P3E 2C6
Telephone: (705) 675-1151 ext 2379
Email: RSherlock@laurentian.ca
LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/ross-sherlock

Research Interests

My research interests is focused on pragmatic problems associated with mineral exploration, typically as deposit scale problems, focusing on structural and stratigraphic controls to mineralization. However I have also worked, and published, upon on much larger scale projects such as the volcanic stratigraphy and geochronology of the Hope Bay volcanic belt or the relationship between hydrothermal systems in northern California. Previously I worked extensively in volcanic stratigraphy, and mass flux associated with hydrothermal systems as a means of exploration targeting.

As a researcher, I have published extensively on a variety of deposit styles and served as an associate editor for the journal, Economic Geology (2000-2010), and the Journal of Exploration Geochemistry (2009-2011). Recently have served as a site expert to Canadian Mining Innovation Council, Footprints project and on the Industry Advisory board to the Geological Survey of Canada (TGI5). Also served on the Board of Directors to the Mineral Deposit Research Unit at UBC and the advisory board for the Mineral Exploration Research Center at Laurentian University. I have been part of the graduate committee for 4 MSc students between 2005 and 2016 and taught graduate level courses at the University of the Philippines (1995-1997).

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