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Darrel G.F. Long

Darrel G.F. Long

Professor Emeritus Sedimentology

Professor, BSc Hons Leicester, MSc PhD Western; Sedimentology

Email: dlong@laurentian.ca


Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Douglas Medalist for 2011

Research Interests

  • Sedimentology of clastic and carbonate systems.
  • Research into Proterozoic and Lower Paleozoic fluvial sandstones is concentrated on understanding how river systems worked before the onset of rooted vegetation. This includes the relationship between fluvial architecture and mineral potential.

  • Research into carbonate and siliciclastic ramps and platforms has been concentrated on understanding the dynamics of sediment distribution in the lower Paleozoic of the St. Lawrence Platform, and the Hudson Platform, the Cambrian of the Franklinian and Cordilleran Margins, and the Mesoproterozoic of Northern B.C., in response to paleogeographic and environmental change.


Links for Sedimentologists

Professional Associations

Previous Graduate Students

M.Sc. Students

Brent Collier - (Sept 2001-2003) Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Late Paleoproterozoic Athabasca basin, in the vicinity of Shea Creek, Saskatchewan, using bore-hole data (Funded by NSERC, GSC, CAMECO and COGEMA as part of the EXTECH IV uranium study. Now working with Talisman Energy in Calgary Abstract

Sebastien Bernier - (Sept 2001-2003) Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Late Paleoproterozoic Manitou Falls Formation in the Athabasca basin, near the McArthur River uranium deposit, Saskatchewan, using bore-hole data (Funded by NSERC, GSC, CAMECO and COGEMA as part of the EXTECH IV uranium study. Now working with FNX Mining, Sudbury Abstract

Representative Publications

Chapters in Books, CDs

Long, D.G.F., and Donaldson, J.A. (2005) Modern and ancient clastic sedimentary environments: a collection of field photographs. Geological Association of Canada CSRG-CD 1, ISBN 1-897095-04-X (968 p, html).

Journal Articles


Long, D.G.F., 2017. Evidence of flash floods in Precambrian gravel dominated ephemeral river deposits. Sedimentary Geology 347, 53–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2016.11.006

Long, D.G.F., 2016. Provenance of chert rudites and arenites in the northern Canadian Cordillera. Chapter 12, In R. Majunder (ed.), Sediment Provenance: Influences on Compositional Change from Source to Sink. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. p. 297- 324 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-803386-9.00012-5

Turner, E.C., Long, D.G.F., Rainbird, R.H., Joseph A. Petrus, J.A., and Nicole M. Rayner, N.M., 2016. A late Mesoproterozoic impactogen (impactor basin) associated with zinc mineralization during Rodinia amalgamation, Arctic Canada. Terra Nova, 28: 188–194. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ter.12207

Colpron, M., Crowley, J.L., Gehrels, G., Long, D.G.F., Murphy, D.C., Beranek, L., and Bickerton, L., 2015. Birth of the northern Cordilleran orogen, as recorded by detrital zircons in Jurassic synorogenic strata and regional exhumation in Yukon. Lithospere , vol.7, p. 541-562. GSA Data Repository Item 2015263.

Julig, P., and Long, D.G.F. 2013. Spanish River Lithic Cache, Sudbury Region of Ontario. Ontario Archaeology, 93: 32-51.

Eriksson, P.G., Banerjee, S., Catuneanu, O., Corcoran, P.L., Eriksson, K.A., Hiatt, E.E., Laflamme, M., Lenhardt, N., Long, D.G.F., Miall, A.D., Mints, M.V., Pufahl, P.K., Sarkar, S., Simpson, E.L., Williams, G.E. (2013). Secular changes in sedimentation systems and sequence stratigraphy. Gondwana Research 24 (2): 468-489. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2012.09.008

Copper, P, Long, D.G.F., and Jin, J. (2012). The Early Silurian Gun River Formation of Anticosti Island, eastern Canada: A key section for the mid-Llandovery of North America. Newsletters in Stratigraphy 45 (3): 263-280. (doi: 10.1127/0078-0421/2012/0024)

Long, D.G.F., and Turner, E.C. (2012) Tectonic, sedimentary and metallogenic re-evaluation of basal strata in the Mesoproterozoic Bylot basins, Nunavut, Canada: Are unconformity-type uranium concentrations a realistic expectation? Precambrian Research 214-215: 192-209. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2011.11.005)

Long, D.G.F., and Lowey, G.W. (2011). Wandering gravel-bed rivers and high-constructive stable channel sandy fluvial systems in the Ross River area, Yukon Territory, Canada. Geoscience Frontiers, 2 (3): 277-288. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2011.05.018

Long, D.G.F. (2011). Architecture and depositional style of fluvial systems before land plants: a comparison of Precambrian, early Paleozoic and modern river deposits. In S.K. Davidson, S. Leleu, and C.P. North (Eds.), From river to rock record: the preservation of fluvial sediments and their subsequent interpretation. SEPM Special Publication 97: 37-61.

Ulrich, T., Long, D.G.F., Kamber, B.S., and Whitehouse, M.J. (2011). In-situ trace element and sulphur isotope analysis of pyrite in a Paleoproterozoic gold placer deposit, Pardo and Clement Townships, Ontario, Canada. Economic Geology 106: 667-686. http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/econgeo.106.4.667

Long, D.G.F., Ulrich, T., and Kamber B.S. (2011). Laterally extensive modified placer gold deposits in the Paleoproterozoic Mississagi Formation, Clement and Pardo Townships, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 48: 779-792.

Julig, P.J., and Long, D.G.F. (2010). Why did the Paleoindians select the Sheguindah site? An evaluation of quarrying and quartzite material selection based on petrographic analysis of core artifacts. In M.Brewer-LaPorta, A.Burke, and D.Field(eds.), Ancient Mines and Quarries, a TransAtlantic perspective, Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK., p. 97-108.

Lowey, G.W., Long, D.G.F.,, Fowler, M.G., Sweet, A.R., and Orchard, M.J., (2009) Petroleum source rock potential of the Whitehorse trough: a frontier basin in south-central Yukon. Canadian Society for Petroleum Geology, Bulletin 57 (3) – 350-386.

Long, D.G.F.,, and Yip, S.S., (2009) The Early Cambrian Bradore Formation of southeastern Labrador and adjacent parts of Quebec: architecture and genesis of clastic strata on an early Paleozoic wave-swept shallow marine shelf. Sedimentary Geology 215: 50-69.

Hawkins, A.L., Tourigny, E., Long, D.G.F., Julig, P.J., and Bursey, J., (2008) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Geological and Archaeological Chert from Southern Ontario. North American Archaeologist 29: 203-224.

Turner E.C., and Long, D.G.F., (2008) Syndepositional fault activity during deposition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup, N.W.T., Canada: Implications for evolution of the Mackenzie Basin and the Mackenzie Mountains Zn District. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45: 1159-1184.

Eriksson, P.G., Long, D.G.F., Bumby, A.J., Eriksson, K.A., Simpson, E.L., Catuneanu, O. Classen, M., Mtimkulu, M.C.M.N, Brümer, J.J., and van der Neut, M. (2008) Palaeohydrological data from the c. 2.0-1.8 Ga Waterberg Group, South Africa: discussion of a possibly unique Palaeoproterozoic fluvial style. South African Journal of Geology 111: 183-206.

Post, R.T., and Long, D.G.F., (2008) The Middle Cambrian Mount Roosevelt Formation (new) of northeastern British Columbia: Evidence for rifting and development of the Kechicka Graben System. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45: 483-498.

Long, D.G.F., (2007) Tomographic studies of Paleoproterozoic carbonates as a key to understanding the formation of molar-tooth structures. Gondwana Research 12: 566-570.

Long, D.G.F., (2007) Tempestite frequency curves: a key to Late Ordovician and Early Silurian subsidence, sea-level change and orbital forcing in the Anticosti foreland basin, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 44: 413-431.

Julig P.J., Long, D.G.F.,, McFarland, V. and Schroder, B. (2007) Sourcing of archaeological flints from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition, at Jerf al-Ajla cave, Syria. In C. Delage (editor) Chert exploitation in the Middle-East. British Archaeological Review, International Series 1615: 130-151.

Long D.G.F. and Julig P.J. (2007) Distribution and petrographic characteristics of chert in Syria. In C. Delage (editor). Chert exploitation in the Middle-East. British Archaeological Review, International Series 1615: 18-28.

Slattery, S, R., Barnett, P.J., and Long, D.G.F., (2007) Constraints on paleolake levels, spillways and glacial lake history, north-central Ontario, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 37: 331-348.

Ramaekers, P., Yeo, G.M., Jefferson, C.W., Collier, B., Long, D.G.F.,, Catuneanu, O., Bernier, S., Kupsch, B., Post, R., Drever, G., McHardy, S., Jiricka, D., Cutts, C., and Wheatley, K. (2007) Revised geological map and stratigraphy of the Athabasca Group, Saskatchewan and Alberta; in EXTECH IV: Geology and Uranium EXploration TECHnology of the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta, (ed.) C.W. Jefferson and G. Delaney; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 588: 155-191 (also Saskatchewan Geological Society, Special Publication 17; Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication 4), 643 p.

Long, D.G.F., (2007) Topographic influences on the sedimentology of the Manitou Falls Formation, eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan; in EXTECH IV: Geology and Uranium EXploration TECHnology of the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta, (ed.) C.W. Jefferson and G. Delaney; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 588: 267-280 (also Saskatchewan Geological Society, Special Publication 17; Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication 4). 643 p.

Long, D.G.F., (2006) Haku Okada with Alec J Kenyon-Smith, The Evolution of Clastic Sedimentology; (Book Review). Sedimentary Geology, 186: 145.

Long, D.G.F., (2006) Architecture of pre-vegetation sandy-braided perennial and ephemeral river deposits in the Paleoproterozoic Athabasca Group, McClean Lake and Key Lake, northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 190: 71-95.

Refereed Government Publications

Long, D.G.F., 2016. Stratigraphic Sections Through the Silurian White Rock Formation, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia, Geoscience and Mines Branch, Open File Report ME 2016-001, 43 p. (ISN 23712). http://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/

Long, D.G.F., 2015. Provenance and depositional framework of braided and meandering gravel-bed river deposits and associated coal deposits in active intermontain basins: The Upper-Jurassic to Lower-Cretaceous Tantalus Formation, Yukon, Canada. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2015-23, 80 p + appendix. Download from http://www.geology.gov.yk.ca/

Long, D.G.F., and Turner, E.C., 2014. Formal definition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup (Northwest Territories), and formal stratigraphic nomenclature for terrignous clastic units of the Katherine Group. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7113 (revised), 118 p. (download at http://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/starweb/geoscan/servlet.starweb?path=geoscan/downloade.web&search1=R=293417

Turner, E.C., Kamber, B.S., Kontak. D.J., LONG, D.G.F., Hnatyshin, D., Creaser, R., Morden, R., and Han, K., 2013. Economic potential of the Mesoproterozoic Borden Basin, northern Baffin Island, NU: update 2011-2012. In Summary of Activities 2012, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 1–12. (download at http://cngo.ca/summary-of-activities/2012/)

Long, D.G.F., and Turner, E.C., 2012. Formal definition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup (Northwest Territories), and formal stratigraphic nomenclature for terrignous clastic units of the Katherine Group. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7113, 40 p.

Turner, E.C., and Long, D.G.F., 2012. Formal definition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup (Northwest Territories), and formal stratigraphic nomenclature for its carbonate and evaporate formations. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7112, 57 p.

Turner, E.C., Roots, C.F., MacNaughton, R.B., LONG, D.G.F., Fischer, B.J., Gordey, S.P. Martel, E. and Pope, M.C., 2012. Chapter 3. Stratigraphy. In Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A), and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories; Martel, E., Turner, E.C. and Fischer, B.J. (editors), NWT Special Volume 1, NWT Geoscience Office, p. 31 to 192.

Gordey, S.P., Macdonald, J.D., Turner E.C. and Long, D.G.F., 2012. Chapter 5. Structural Geology of the Central Mackenzie Mountains. In Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A), and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories; Martel, E., Turner, E.C. and Fischer, B.J. (editors), NWT Special Volume 1, NWT Geoscience Office, p. 215 to 250.

Ootes, L., Fischer, B.J., Rasmussen, K.L., Borkovic, B., Long, D.G.F. and Gordey, S.P., 2012. Chapter 7. Mineral Deposits and Porspects; In Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A), and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories; Martel, E., Turner, E.C. and Fischer, B.J. (editors), NWT Special Volume 1, NWT Geoscience Office, p. 255 to 268.

Long, D.G.F. 2012. Detailed stratigraphic sections through the Tsezotene Formation, Katherine Group, and Cretaceous unnamed unit. Appendix B In Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A), and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories; Martel, E., Turner, E.C. and Fischer, B.J. (editors), NWT Special Volume 1, NWT Geoscience Office, p. 324-354.

Long, D.G.F., 2012. Petrographic analysis on coal-bearing strata of Cretaceous age preserved in central NTS 105P. Appendix E, In Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A), and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories; Martel, E., Turner, E.C. and Fischer, B.J. (editors), NWT Special Volume 1, NWT Geoscience Office, p. 396-397.

Fisher, B.J., and Long, D.G.F., 2012. Rock-eval pyrolysis and total organic carbon data.. Appendix G, In Geology of the central Mackenzie Mountains of the northern Canadian Cordillera, Sekwi Mountain (105P), Mount Eduni (106A), and northwestern Wrigley Lake (95M) map-areas, Northwest Territories; Martel, E., Turner, E.C. and Fischer, B.J. (editors), NWT Special Volume 1, NWT Geoscience Office, p. 407-412.

LONG, D.G.F., 2009. The Huronian Supergroup. In D.H. Roussel and G.H. Brown (Eds.), A field guide to the geology of Sudbury, Ontario. Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6243: 14-30.

LONG, D.G.F., R.H. Rainbird, R.H., Turner, E.C., and MacNaughton, R.B., 2008 Early Neoproterozoic Strata (Sequence B) of mainland Northern Canada and Victoria and Banks Islands. In MacNaughton et al (Eds), Geological Atlas of NW Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 5700.


Petrus J. A., Ayer, J.A., LONG, D.G.F., Lightfoot, P.C., and Kamber, B.S., 2013. Contributions to the Sudbury igneous complex and the depth of excavation: evidence from Onaping Formation zircon. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V (August 2013), Laurentian University. Abstract 3056. pdf: http://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/sudbury2013/

Turner, E.C., Kontak, D.J., Hnatyshin, D., Creaser, R., Kamber, B.S., Morden, R., LONG, D.G.F. 2013. Revised geologic and metallogenic view of the carbonate-hosted Nanisivik zinc district, Nunavut, Canada. SEG Whistler 2013: Geoscience for Discovery. Sept. 24-27, 2013.

Julig, P., and LONG, D.G.F., 2013. Sourcing of Hudson Bay lowland chert by ICP-MS and FTIR, to characterize the Spanish River lithic biface cache. In O.N.Crandell (ed.). 5th Archeoinvest Symposium, “Stories Writen in Stone” International Symposium on Chert and other Knappable Materials, University of Iaÿi, Romania, 20 – 24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts, p. 66.http://arheoinvestsymposium.uaic.ro/eng/?cat=142 (archive)

LONG, D.G.F. 2013. Perched cobble berms as an indicator of flashy discharge in ephemeral river deposits in the Precambrian and Pleistocene. 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, University of Leeds, July 2013. Conference Programme and Abstracts Volume, p. 171-172.

LONG, D.G.F., and McDonald, A. 2013. Carbon, gold and uranium on distal degradation surfaces associated with extensive paleoplacer gold deposits in the Paleoproterozoic Huronian Supergroup, Ontario, Canada. 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, University of Leeds, July 2013. Conference Programme and Abstracts Volume, p. 366-367.

LONG, D.G.F., J. Mathieu, J., and Petrus, J., 2013. Comparing petrographic, detrital zircon and strata-related paleo-hydraulic methods for estimating fluvial paleo-drainage basin size: an example from the Cretaceous and Tertiary Bonnet Plume Basin (NTS 106E) Yukon, Canada. 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, University of Leeds, July 2013. Conference Programme and Abstracts Volume, p. 169-170 (talk) and 368-369 (poster).

Desrochers, A., LONG, D.G.F., and Ghienne, J-F., 2012. Changes in the style of neritc carbonate production in the tropics during the end-Ordovician Hirnantian glaciation. Atypical limestone facies from the Anticosti succession, eastern Canada. EGU General Assembly, Conference Abstracts 2012, v. 14, p. 6736.

Turner, E.C., Kamber, B.S., Kontak, D., LONG, D.G.F., Hnatyshin, D., Creaser, R., Morden, R., and Hahn, K., 2012. Borden Basin Zn-Pb district (NU) Thematic Studies: 2011-2012. In Watson, D.M., (compiler) 40th AnnualYellowknife Geoscience Forum, Abstracts volume 2012, p. 49-50.

Turner, E.C., and LONG, D.G.F., 2012. A formal stratigraphy of the Makenzie Mountains Supergroup in NWT. In Watson, D.M., (compiler) 40th Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, Abstracts volume 2012, p.71.

LONG, D.G.F., 2012. Cobble berms as an indicator of flashy discharge in ephemeral river deposits in the Precambrian and Pleistocene. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, GeoConvention 2012: Vision, Abstract 039s0127.

LONG, D.G.F., and Mathieu, J., 2012 Comparing petrographic and paleo-hydraulic methods for estimating paleo-drainage basin size: an example from the Cretaceous and Tertiary Bonnet Plume Basin (NTS 106E) Yukon. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, GeoConvention 2012: Vision, Abstract 037s0127.

LONG, D.G.F., 2012. Perched boulder berms as an indicator of flashy discharge in ephemeral river deposits in the Precambrian and Pleistocene. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2012, StJohn’s, NF, Canada. Abstract Volume 37: xx.

LONG, D.G.F., McDonald, A.M., Minter, W.E.L., and Shaw, J. 2012. Carbon, gold and uranium on interfluvial degradation surfaces in the Paleoproterozoic Huronian Supergroup, Canada. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2012, StJohn’s, NF, Canada. Abstract Volume 37: xx.

LONG, D.G.F., and Mathieu, J., 2012. Testing paleohydrological estimates of drainage basin size in the Cretaceous and Tertiary of the Bonnet Plume Basin using petrology. Cordilleran Tectonics Workshop, May 2012, Victoria, BC. Abstracts p. x.

Long, D.G.F., and Turner, E.C. (2011). Tectonic, sedimentary and metalogenic re-evaluation of basal strata in the Mesoproterozoic Bylot basins (NU): are unconformity-type U concentrations a realistic expectation? Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2008, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Abstract Volume 36:

Long, D.G.F., Ulrich, T., and Kamber B.S. (2011). Modified placer gold deposits in the Paleoproterozoic Huronian Supergroup, Clement and Pardo Townships, Ontario.Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2008, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Abstract Volume 36:

Long, D.G.F.,, (2009) Architectural and depositional style of fluvial systems before land plants: a comparison of Precambrian and Modern river deposits. In S.Davidson and S Leleu (Editors) From river to rock record, the preservation of fluvial sediments and their subsequent preservation, 12-14th January 2009. Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, Programme and Abstracts p. 58.

Julig, P.J., Hawkins, A., and Long, D.G.F.,, (2008) Sourcing of chert artifacts from the Speigel/Killarney Bay 1 Site, Killarney, Ontario. Eastern States Archaeological Federation 75th Annual Meeting, November 6-9, 2008, Abstracts p.21.

Long, D.G.F.,, (2008) From outcrop to small-scale architecture: examples from fluvial, marine and deltaic systems. In: Martinsen, O, Sullivan, M., Pulham, A., and Haughton (Conveners) SEPM Research Conference: Outcrops Revitalized: tools, techniques, applications, Abstracts, p. 35.

Long, D.G.F.,, and Julig, P., (2008) A reassessment of stratigraphy and site formation processes at the Speigel/Killarney Bay-1 beach ridge site, Georgian Bay (Lake Huron), Ontario. CAA annual meeting Trent ON, May 2008.

Long, D.G.F.,, and Turner, E.C., (2008) Direct evidence for active listric detachment faults and craton-normal transfer faults during evolution of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup, N.W.T., Canada. Cordilleran Tectonics Meeting, Vancouver Feb 22-24th, Northern Cordilleran Research Group, UBC Abstracts, p. 32.

Long, D.G.F.,, and Yip, S.S. (2008) The Early Cambrian Bradore Formation of southeastern Labrador and adjacent parts of Quebec: architecture and genesis of clastic strata on an early Paleozoic wave-swept shallow marine shelf. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2008, Quebec City, PQ, Canada. Abstract Volume 33:

Desrochers, A. Claude Farley, C., and Long, D.G.F.,, (2008) Stratigraphic architecture, discontinuity surfaces, and atypical carbonate facies at the Ordovician/Silurian boundary on Anticosti Island, Quebec. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2008, Quebec City, PQ, Canada. Abstract Volume 33:

Long, D.G.F.,, and Turner, E.C., (2007) Synsedimentary faulting during deposition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup and its effect on economic mineralisation. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2007, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada. Abstract Volume 32:

Long, D.G.F.,, and Turner, E.C., (2007) Listric and transfer faults: a solution to facies and thickness distributions in the Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup, and a key to later mineralization structures. In A.Jones, L.Gal and L.Pyle (compilers) Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Workshop, Regional Geoscience Studies and Petroleum Potential. Peel Plateau and Plain. March 2007. Yukon Geological Survey, Northwest Territories Geoscience Office. P. 86-92. (www.nwtgeoscience.ca/petroleum/PeelPlateau.html.).

Long, D.G.F.,, and Turner, E.C. (2006) Were giant rotational slides active during deposition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup? In A.L. Jones and D. Irwin (compilers) 34th annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum Abstracts; Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, Yellowknife, NT., YKGSF Abstracts Volume 2006, p. 89.

Long, D.G.F., (2005) Tomographic studies of Paleoproterozoic carbonates as key to understanding the formation of Molar-Tooth structures. IGCP 447 Meeting, Alice Springs Australia (June 2005).

Long, D.G.F., (2005) Big Rivers in the Proterozoic. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2005, Halifax, NS, Canada. Abstract Volume 30.

Student Publications

Long, D.G.F.,, and Yip, S.S., (2009) The Early Cambrian Bradore Formation of southeastern Labrador and adjacent parts of Quebec: architecture and genesis of clastic strata on an early Paleozoic wave-swept shallow marine shelf. Sedimentary Geology 215: 50-69.

Post, R.T., and Long, D.G.F.,, (2008) The Middle Cambrian Mount Roosevelt Formation (new) of northeastern British Columbia: Evidence for rifting and development of the Kechicka Graben System. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45: 483-498.

Long, D.G.F.,, and Yip, S.S. (2008) The Early Cambrian Bradore Formation of southeastern Labrador and adjacent parts of Quebec: architecture and genesis of clastic strata on an early Paleozoic wave-swept shallow marine shelf. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 2008, Quebec City, PQ, Canada. Abstract Volume 33:

Collier, B. (2007) Sequence stratigraphy in the western Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan and Alberta; in EXTECH IV: Geology and Uranium EXploration TECHnology of the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta, (ed.) C.W. Jefferson and G. Delaney; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 588 (also Saskatchewan Geological Society, Special Publication 17; Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication 4): 281-300.

Ramaekers, P., Yeo, G.M., Jefferson, C.W., Collier, B., Long, D.G.F.,, Catuneanu, O., Bernier, S., Kupsch, B., Post, R., Drever, G., McHardy, S., Jiricka, D., Cutts, C., and Wheatley, K. (2007) Revised geological map and stratigraphy of the Athabasca Group, Saskatchewan and Alberta; in EXTECH IV: Geology and Uranium EXploration TECHnology of the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta, (ed.) C.W. Jefferson and G. Delaney; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 588 (also Saskatchewan Geological Society, Special Publication 17; Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication 4): 155-192.

Slattery, R.S., (2003) Quaternary Geology of the Castlebar Lake Area, Districts of Thunderbay and Cochrane. Ontario Geological Survey Map P. 3523. Geological Series - Preliminary Map, scale 1: 50 000. (Map).

Slattery, R.S., (2003) Quaternary Geology of the Pagwachuan Lake Area, Districts of Thunderbay. Ontario Geological Survey Map P. 3524. Geological Series - Preliminary Map, scale 1: 50 000. (Map).

Slattery, R.S., (2003) Quaternary Geology of the Longlac Area, Districts of Thunderbay and Cochrane. Ontario Geological SurveyOpen File Rport 6140, 84 p.

White, D.J., Hajnal, Z., Gyorfi, I., Takacs, B., Robersts, B., Muller, C., Reilkoff, B., Koch, R., Powell, B., Annesley, I., Bernier, S., and Jefferson, C. (2003) Interim results of the Extech-IV seismic reflection program in the Athabasca Basin, northern Saskatchewan. In: Current Research 2003-C8, Geological Survey of Canada. 11 pp.

Bernier, S. (2002) Does the gradational contact between the members c and d of the Manitou Falls Formation in the vicinity of the Mcarthur River uranium deposit (Athabasca Basin Saskatchewan) reflect a transition to a more arid fluvial environment. Advances in Earth Sciences research Conference 2002, Ottawa Geoscience Center March 8 (2002) Program with Abstracts, p. 16. (Abstract).

Slattery, R. S. (2002) Preliminary Investigations into the Quaternary Geology of the Longlac area, Northwestern Ontario. Advances in Earth Sciences research Conference 2002, Ottawa Geoscience Center March 8 (2002) Program with Abstracts, p. 49. (Abstract).

Gyorifi. I., Hajnal, Z., Bernier, S., Takacks, E., Reilkoff, B., White, D., Powell, B., and Koch, R. (2002) Initial seismic images along line 14 of the McArthur River high-resolution survey. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 27-29th, 2002, Saskatoon, SK., Canada. Abstract Volume 27: (Abstract).

Yeo, G.M., Collier, B., Ramaekers, P., Koning, E., Robbins, J., and Jiricka, D. (2002) Cyclic stratigraphy in the Late Proterozoic Athabasca Group in the Carswell area, southwestern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 27-29th, 2002, Saskatoon, SK., Canada. Abstract Volume 27: (Abstract).

Collier, B. (2002) Sequence stratigraphy of the Athabasca Group in the vicinity of Shea Creek, Western Athabasca Basin. Northern Saskatchewan. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 27-29th, 2002, Saskatoon, SK., Canada. Abstract Volume 27: (Abstract).

Bernier, S. (2002) Sequence stratigraphy around McArthur River Uranium deposit, Athabasca basin, Saskatchewan: evidence for Fith, Fourth and Third order sequences. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 27-29th, 2002, Saskatoon, SK., Canada. Abstract Volume 27: (Abstract).

Bernier, S. (2002) Evidence for blind syndepositional faulting as a major control on potential mineralization sites in the Athabasca Basin, based on analysis of strata near the McArthur River Uranium Deposit, Saskatchewan, Canada. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 27-29th, 2002, Saskatoon, SK., Canada. Abstract Volume 27: (Abstract).

Harvey, S.E., Bethuen, K.M., Yeo, G., and Collier, B. (2002) The role of structure and paleotopography on uranium mineralization of the Deilman orebody, Key Lake Saskatchewan. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 27-29th, 2002, Saskatoon, SK., Canada. Abstract Volume 27: (Abstract).

Percival, J.B., Mwenifumbo, J.C., Jefferson, C.W., Elliot, B., Bernier, S., Wasyliuk, K., and McHardy, S. (2002) Comparison of mineralogy and geophysical properties in two boreholes from the McArthur River area, northern Saskatchewan. . Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting May 27-29th, 2002, Saskatoon, SK., Canada. Abstract Volume, 27: (Abstract).

Collier, B. (2002) Sequence stratigraphy: an alternative approach to correlating and subdividing strata of the Athabasca basin. Calgary Mineral Exploration Group and Alberta Geological Survey Minerals Section, Open House, Calgary April 24-25 (2002) (Abstract).

Gyorfi, I., Hajnal, Z., Bernier, S., Takacs, E., Reilkoff, B., White, D., Powell, B., and Koch, R. (2002) Initial seismic images along line 14 of the McArthur River high resolution survey. In: Summary of Investigations 2002, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources, Misc. Rept. 2002-4.2. (CD-ROM), Paper D3, 5p.

Yeo, G., Percival, J.B., Jefferson, C.W., Bernier, S., and Hunt, P. (2002) Clay oncoids and crypto-microbial lamination from the Late Paleoproterozoic Manitou Falls Formation, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. In: Summary of Investigations 2002, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources, Misc. Rept. 2002-4.2 (CD-ROM), Paper D9, 9p.

Bernier, S. (2002) Stratigraphy of the Manitou Falls Formation along the McArthur River high-resolution seismic survey B-B’, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. In: Summary of Investigations 2002, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources, Misc. Rept. 2002-4.2. (CD-ROM), Paper D8, 11p.

Collier, B. (2002) Detailed stratigraphy and facies analysis of the Paleoproterozoic Athabasca Group along the Shea Creek – Douglas River trend, northern Saskatchewan. In: Summary of Investigations 2002, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources, Misc. Rept. 2002-4.2. CD-ROM, Paper D10, 16 p.

Morris, T.F., Slattery, R.S., Pitre, S.A., Larose, T.M., and Semenya, L. (2002) Kimberlite and base metal exploration targets derived from overburden heavy mineral data, Longlac area, northwestern Ontario. Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6075, 125 p.

Slattery, R.S. (2002) The Quaternary geology and sedimentary architecture of the Longlac area, northwestern Ontario. Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6100, pp. 22.1-22.5.




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