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Home >> People >> Jade Lockie

Jade Lockie

PhD candidate

MSc: Orogenic unroofing in the Rae Craton recorded through U-Pb geochronology of the Paleoproterozoic Nonacho Group, Northwest Territories

The Nonacho Group comprise a succession of Paleoproterozoic sedimentary rocks on the southeast side of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories. Conceptually, it is found at the interface of many streams of geology that are of renewed research interest to geologists working on understanding the Precambrian history of the Rae Craton. My project is aimed at resolving the tectonostratigraphy of enigmatic sedimentary basin in an underexplored corner of the Rae Craton, and its relation to  erosional unroofing during the amalgamation of the ancient Canadian Shield.

Supervisor: Dr. Alessandro Ielpi, Committee Members: Beth Fischer, Dr. Sally Pehrsson

Funding: NSERC, PCSP, Northwest Territories Geological Survey 


2017 Douglas Williamsom Bursary
2018 Marsh A. Cooper Award in Earth Sciences
2018 GAC-MAC Earth Sciences Scholarship
2018/19/20 Canadian Mineral Industry Education Foundation Scholarship
2020 GAC-MAC Earth Sciences Scholarship
2020 Dennis David Trevisiol Memorial Scholarship
2021 GAC-PDAC Logan Student Prize



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  • Spring Open House

    Saturday, March 15th
    Time: 09:30am - 03:00pm
    Location: 935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 6H6, Canada