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Home >> People >> Joleen Belanger
Joleen Belanger

Joleen Belanger

MSc Student

Tracking metamorphic fluid evolution and variability of metamorphism across Kinross Gold's Great Bear Deposit

My interest in geology began from growing up in a Northern Ontario mining town, Marathon. I completed my undergraduate degree in Earth Sciences at Laurentian University, where I am now working towards completing an MSc in Geology through a metamorphic-themed thesis.

My project,Tracking metamorphic fluid evolution and variability of metamorphism across Kinross Gold's Great Bear Deposit, is based on Kinross Gold's Great Bear deposit in Red Lake, Ontario. The basis of my research will be to constrain the number of metamorphic events and spatial variability of metamorphism across the property, as well as determine if dehydration occurred in the mafic domain that would contribute to gold remobilization.

Supervisor: Dr. Douglas K. Tinkham

External funding source: NSERC



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