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Publication Type:

Journal Article


Minerals, Volume 15, Number 3 (2025)






alteration, Archean, Côté Gold, lithogeochemistry, porphyry mineralization


<p>Characterizing alteration and its geochemical signature provides critical information relevant to ore-deposit genesis and its related footprint; for porphyry-type deposits, zoned potassic-phyllic-propylitic alteration and metal enrichment are critical features. Here we integrate earlier lithological and mineralogical studies of the (10+ Moz Au) Archean Côté Gold porphyry-type Au(-Cu) deposit (Ontario, Canada) with identified alteration types to provide exploration vectors. The ca. 2740 tonalite-quartz diorite-diorite intrusive complex and co-temporal Au(-Cu) mineralization as disseminations, breccias and veins are co-spatial with ore-related alteration types (amphibole, biotite, muscovite). An early, locally developed amphibole event coring the deposit is followed by emplacement of a Au(-Cu) mineralized biotite-rich magmatic-hydrothermal breccia body and broad halo of disseminated biotite and quartz veining. These rocks record gains via mass balance calculations of K, Fe, Mg, LILE, and LREE with Au, Cu, Mo, Ag, Se and Bi. Later muscovite alteration is enriched in K, Rb, Cs, Ba, CO2, and LOI with varied Au, Cu, Mo, Te, As, and Bi values. A strong albite overprint records extreme Na gains with the loss of most other elements, including ore metals (i.e., Au, Cu). Together these data define an Au-Cu-Mo-Ag-Te-Bi-Se core co-spatial with biotite breccia versus a peripheral stockwork and sheeted vein zone with a Te-Se-Zn-Pb-As association. These features further support the posited porphyry-type model for the Côté Gold Au(-Cu) deposit.</p>