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A. A. Sappin, Houlé, M. G., and Lesher, C. M., Petrography and mineral chemistry of the mafic to ultramafic Max, Wabassi Main, Wabassi South, and Oxtoby Lake intrusions in the Miminiska-Fort Hope greenstone belt, Superior Province, Northern Ontario (Canada), 2016.
A. A. Sappin, Houlé, M. G., Lesher, C. M., and McNicoll, V. J., Project Unit 13-001; Overview of the mafic and ultramafic intrusions in the eastern Uchi Domain of the Superior Province, northern Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., Burnham, O. M., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 51.1-51.16.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101414Caribou Terranenorthern Ontario
A. A. Sappin, Houlé, G., Lesher, C. M., and McNicoll, V., Project Unit 13-001. Overview of the Mafic and Ultramafic Intrusions in the Eastern Uchi Domain of the Superior Province, Northern Ontario, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2013, vol. Open File Report 6290, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., O Burnham, M. A. R. C. U. S., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, 2013, pp. 51-1 to 51-16.