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“Aeromagnetic gradiometry with UAV, a case study on small iron ore deposit”, Drone Systems and Applications, vol. 12, pp. 1-9, 2024.
, , , “Geophysical transects in the Abitibi greenstone belt of Canada from the mineral-exploration-oriented Metal Earth project”, The Leading Edge, vol. 42, pp. 245-255, 2023.
, “Magmatic, hydrothermal and ore element transfer processes of the southeastern Archean Superior Province implied from electrical resistivity structure”, Gondwana Research, vol. 105, pp. 84-95, 2022.
, “Open-source software for two-dimensional Fourier processing of gridded magnetic data”, The Leading Edge, vol. 41, pp. 454-461, 2022.
, “Multiple-order moments of the transient electromagnetic response of a one-dimensional earth with finite conductance – theory”, Exploration Geophysics, vol. 52, pp. 1-15, 2020.
, “Contrast source inversion (CSI) method to cross-hole radio-imaging (RIM) data - Part 2: a complex synthetic example and a case study”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 150, pp. 93-100, 2018.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.818467-9contrast source inversionradio-imaging
“Modelling and straight-ray tomographic imaging studies of cross-hole radio-frequency electromagnetic data for mineral exploration”, Geophysical ProspectingGeophysical Prospecting, vol. 66, pp. 282-299, 2018.
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“Exploring for copper–gold deposits exhibiting a wide range of conductivities with time–domain electromagnetics at Opemiska, Canada”, Sixth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration. Toronto, ON, 2017.
, “Ground resistivity method and DCIP2D forward and inversion modelling to identify alteration at the Midwest uranium deposit, northern Saskatchewan, Canada”, Exploration GeophysicsExploration Geophysics, vol. 48, pp. 383-393, 2017.
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“The impact of magnetic viscosity on time-domain electromagnetic data from iron oxide minerals embedded in rocks at Opemiska, Québec, Canada”, GeophysicsGeophysics, vol. 82, pp. B165-B176, 2017.
, “The impact of magnetic viscosity on time-domain electromagnetic data from iron oxide minerals embedded in rocks at Opemiska, Quebec, Canada”, Geophysics, vol. 82, pp. B165-B176, 2017.
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“Modelling and straight-ray tomographic imaging studies of cross-hole radio-frequency electromagnetic data for mineral exploration”, Geophysical ProspectingGeophysical Prospecting, 2017.
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“Using constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic field to produce a 3D litho-prediction model”, Geophysical ProspectingGeophysical Prospecting, vol. 65, pp. 1662-1679, 2017.
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“Approximate semianalytical solutions for the electromagnetic response of a dipping-sphere interacting with conductive overburden”, GeophysicsGeophysics, vol. 81, pp. E265-E277, 2016.
, “Approximate semianalytical solutions for the electromagnetic response of a dipping-sphere interacting with conductive overburden”, Geophysics, vol. 81, pp. E265-E277, 2016.
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“Benefits of using multi-component transmitter-receiver systems for determining geometrical parameters of a dipole conductor from single-line anomalies”, Exploration Geophysics (Melbourne), vol. 47, pp. 1-12, 2016.
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“Decomposing the electromagnetic response of magnetic dipoles to determine the geometric parameters of a dipole conductor”, Exploration Geophysics (Melbourne), vol. 47, pp. 13-23, 2016.
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“The effect of dielectric permittivity on the fields radiated from a radio-frequency electric dipole in a homogeneous whole space”, GeophysicsGeophysics, vol. 81, pp. K1-K8, 2016.
, “Ground resistivity method and DCIP2D forward and inversion modelling to identify alteration at the Midwest uranium deposit, northern Saskatchewan, Canada”, Exploration GeophysicsExploration Geophysics, 2016.
, “Supervised classification of down-hole physical properties measurements using neural network to predict the lithology”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 124, pp. 17-26, 2016.
, Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20154701583775Down holesHeterogeneous rocksMagnetic susceptibility measurementsPhysical unitPredictive accuracySupervised classificationSupervised neural networksVictoria
“Using constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic field to produce a 3D litho-prediction model”, in SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting, SEG 2016, October 16, 2011 - October 21, 2011, vol. 35, Dallas, TX, United states: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2016, pp. 2170-2174.
, Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20172003662434
“Combining spatial components and Hilbert transforms to interpret ground-time-domain electromagnetic data”, GeophysicsGeophysics, vol. 80, pp. E237-E246, 2015.