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M. G. Kopylova, Afanasiev, V. P., Bruce, L. F., Thurston, P. C., and Ryder, J., Metaconglomerate preserves evidence for kimberlite, diamondiferous root and medium grade terrane of a pre-2.7Ga Southern Superior protocraton, Earth and Planetary Science LettersEarth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 312, pp. 213-225, 2011.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20114814573106AbitibiArcheanDiamondiferous metaconglomerateHeavy mineralsSuperior craton
M. G. Kopylova, Afanasiev, V. P., Bruce, L. F., Thurston, P. C., and Ryder, J., Metaconglomerate preserves evidence for kimberlite, diamondiferous root and medium grade terrane of a pre-2.7Ga Southern Superior protocraton, Earth and Planetary Science LettersEarth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 312, pp. 213-225, 2011.