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Filters: Author is Chao, George Y.  [Clear All Filters]
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Rogermitchellite, Na (sub 12) (Sr, Na) (sub 24) Ba (sub 4) Zr (sub 26) Si (sub 78) (B, Si) (sub 12) O (sub 246) (OH) (sub 24) .18H (sub 2) O; a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description, structure determination and relationship with, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 48, pp. 267-278, 2010.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2010-064038benitoitePoudrette Quarryrogermitchellitezirconosilicates
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Lalondeite, a new hydrated Na-Ca fluorosilicate species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description and crystal structure, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 47, pp. 181-191, 2009.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2010-023196fluorosilicatelalondeiteMont Saint HilairePoudrette Quarryreyerite
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Martinite, a new hydrated sodium calcium fluoroborosilicate species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec: Description, structure determination and genetic implications, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 45, pp. 1281-1292, 2007.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2008-063126martinitePoudrette Quarryreyerite
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Bobtraillite, (Na,Ca) (sub 13) Sr (sub 11) (Zr,Y,Nb) (sub 14) Si (sub 42) B (sub 6) O (sub 132) (OH) (sub 12) .12H (sub 2) O, a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description, structure determination and relationship to benitoite and wad, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 43, Part 2, pp. 747-758, 2005.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2006-027658benitoitebobtraillitewadeite
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Bobtraillite, (Na,Ca)13Sr11(Zr,Y,Nb)14 Si42B6O132(OH)12 &bull12H2O, a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec: Description, structure determination and relationship to benitoite and wadeite, Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 43, pp. 747-758, 2005.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.2005299221277BobtrailliteConcoidal fractureNon-luminescent crystalsStructural hybrid
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Haineaultite, a new hydrated sodium calcium titanosilicate from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description, structure determination and genetic implications, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 42, Part 3, pp. 769-780, 2004.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2005-013578haineaultitetitanosilicates
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Martinite, a new borosilicate mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada; description and crystal structure determination, in 18th general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association; mineralogy for the new millennium; programme with abstracts, vol. 18, I. Parsons, Ed. International Mineralogical Association, [location varies], International, 2002, p. 139.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2005-065595martinitePoudrette Quarry
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Natrolemoynite, a new hydrated sodium zirconosilicate from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description and structure determination, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 39, Part 5, pp. 1295-1306, 2001.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2002-034160lemoynitenatrolemoynitePoudrette Quarryzirconosilicates
A. M. McDonald, Grice, J. D., and Chao, G. Y., The crystal structure of yoshimuraite, a layered Ba-Mn-Ti silicophosphate, with comments on five-coordinated Ti (super 4+), The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 38, Part 3, pp. 649-656, 2000.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2000-066365silicophosphatesTaguchi Mineyoshimuraite