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Filters: Author is Waldron, John W. F.  [Clear All Filters]
B. J. Murphy, Waldron, J. W. F., Kontak, D. J., Pe-Piper, G., and Piper, D. J. W., Minas Fault Zone: Late Paleozoic history of an intra-continental orogenic transform fault in the Canadian Appalachians, Journal of Structural GeologyJournal of Structural Geology, vol. 33, pp. 312-328, 2011.
B. J. Murphy, Waldron, J. W. F., Kontak, D. J., Pe-Piper, G., and Piper, D. J. W., Minas fault zone; late Paleozoic history of an intra-continental orogenic transform fault in the Canadian Appalachians, in Flow of rocks; field analysis and modeling; in celebration of Paul F. Williams' contribution to mentoring, vol. 33, S. Lin, Jiang, D., and Lafrance, B., Eds. Elsevier, Oxford, International, 2011, pp. 312-328.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2011-064164Chedabucto FaultMinas fault zone
J. W. F. Waldron, Stockmal, G. S., Courtney, R., and DeWolfe, J., The Appalachian foreland basin beneath the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 38th annual meeting, vol. 35, Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States, 2003, p. 86.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2004-078586Clam Bank FormationGoose Tickle GroupSalinian OrogenyTable Point Formation