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Filters: Author is Gault, R. A.  [Clear All Filters]
P. C. Piilonen, McDonald, A. M., Grice, J. D., Rowe, R., Gault, R. A., Poirier, G., Cooper, M. A., Kolitsch, U., Roberts, A. C., Lechner, W., and Palfi, A. G., ARISITE-(Ce), A NEW RARE-EARTH FLUORCARBONATE FROM THE ARIS PHONOLITE, NAMIBIA, MONT SAINT-HILAIRE AND THE SAINT-AMABLE SILL, QUEBEC, CANADA, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 48, pp. 661-671, 2010.
P. C. Piilonen, McDonald, A. M., Grice, J. D., Cooper, M. A., Kolitsch, U., Rowe, R., Gault, R. A., and Poirier, G., Arisite-(La), a new REE-fluorcarbonate mineral from the Aris phonolite (Namibia), with descriptions of the crystal structures of arisite-(La) and arisite-(Ce), Mineralogical MagazineMineralogical Magazine, vol. 74, pp. 257-268, 2010.
P. C. Piilonen, McDonald, A. M., Grice, J. D., Cooper, M. A., Kolitsch, U., Rowe, R., Gault, R. A., and Poirier, G., Arisite-(La), a new REE-fluorcarbonate mineral from the Aris phonolite (Namibia), with descriptions of the crystal structures of arisite-(La) and arisite-(Ce), Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 74, pp. 257-268, 2010.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20102413012032Alkaline-earth elementsAris phonoliteFluorcarbonateMethylene iodideMiarolitic cavityNew mineral speciesStructure determinationUnit cell parameters
A. M. McDonald, Back, M. E., and Gault, R. A., Peatite-(Y) and ramikite-(Y), two new Li-Na-Y-(+ or -Zr) phosphate-carbonate minerals from Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, in IMA2010; 20th general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association; abstracts, vol. 6, L. Zaharia, Kis, A., Topa, B., Papp, G., and Weiszberg, T. G., Eds. University of Szeged, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, Szeged, Hungary, 2010, p. 487.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-066655peatiteramikite
P. C. Piilonen, Lalonde, A. E., McDonald, A. M., and Gault, R. A., Insights into the paragenesis of astrophyllite group minerals in alkaline intrusions, in 18th general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association; mineralogy for the millennium; programme with abstracts, vol. 18, I. Parsons, Ed. International Mineralogical Association, [location varies], International, 2002, p. 252.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2005-070859