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F. Tweedale, Hanley, J. J., Kontak, D., and Rogers, N., Petrographic observations and evaporate mound analysis of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions: applications to assess metal fertility in granites, in TGI 4 - Intrusion Related Mineralisation Project: new vectors to buried porphyry-style mineralisation, vol. Open File 7843, N. Rogers, Ed. Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 369-381.
F. Tweedale, Hanley, J. J., Kontak, D. J., and Rogers, N., Petrographic observations and evaporate mound analysis of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions hosted by granitoid samples from the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia: an exploration tool for vectoring towards mineralised areas in intrusive rocks, in TGI 4 - Intrusion Related Mineralisation Project: new vectors to buried porphyry-style mineralisation, vol. Open File 7843, N. Rogers, Ed. Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 79-99.
B. Dube, Mercier-Langevin, P., Castonguay, S., McNicoll, V. J., Bleeker, W., Lawley, C. J. M., De Souza, S., Jackson, S. E., Dupuis, C., Gao, J. F., Becu, V., Pilote, P., Goutier, J., Beakhouse, G. P., Yergeau, D., Oswald, W., Janvier, V., Fontaine, A., Pelletier, M., Beauchamp, A. M., Malo, M., Katz, L. R., Kontak, D., Tóth, Z., Lafrance, B., Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P., Creaser, R. A., Enkin, R., N. Goumi, E., Grunsky, E., Schneider, D. A., Kelly, C., and Lauzière, K., Precambrian lode gold deposits - a summary of TGI-4 contributions to the understanding of lode gold deposits, with an emphasis on implications for exploration, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the understanding of Precambrian lode gold deposits and implications for exploration, vol. Open File 7852, B. Dube and Mercier-Langevin, P., Eds. Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 1-24.
J. Lymburner and Smith, R. S., A procedure for collecting electromagnetic data using multiple transmitters and receivers capable of deep and focused exploration, GeophysicsGeophysics, vol. 80, pp. E1-E10, 2015.
J. Lymburner and Smith, R. S., A procedure for collecting electromagnetic data using multiple transmitters and receivers capable of deep and focused exploration, Geophysics, vol. 80, pp. E1-E10, 2015.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2015-026532
D. Elizabeth Turner and Armstrong, D. K., Project Unit 10-028. Upper Ordovician Stratigraphy of Northern Ontario: Differential Subsidence and Deposition in Two Late Ordovician Basins Contemporaneous with Hirnantian Glaciation and the Taconic Orogeny, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2015, vol. Open File Report 6313, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., O Burnham, M. A. R. C. U. S., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, 2015, pp. 32-1 to 32-22.
E. C. Turner and Armstrong, D. K., Project Unit 10-028; Upper Ordovician stratigraphy of northern Ontario; differential subsidence and deposition in two Late Ordovician basins contemporaneous with Hirnantian glaciation and the Taconic Orogeny, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 32.1-32.22.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027755northern Ontario
L. Robichaud, McDivitt, J. A., and Trevisan, B. E., Project Unit 13-012; Geology and mineral potential of Rennie and Leeson Townships, Michipicoten greenstone belt, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 5.1-5.11.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027728Leeson OntarioRennie Ontario
L. </b>< b>Robichaud, b>McDivitt, J. A. </b><, and b>Trevisan, B. E. </b><, Project Unit 13-012. Geology and Mineral Potential of Rennie and Leeson Townships, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2015, vol. Open File Report 6313, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., O Burnham, M. A. R. C. U. S., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, 2015, pp. 5-1 to 5-11.
M. Duguet, Duparc, Q., and Mayer, C., Project Unit 13-014; Geology and mineral potential of the Centennial Lake area, northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 19.1-19.16.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027742Centennial Lake
S. J. Magnus, Hanewich, M., Kamo, S. L., and Petrus, J. A., Project Unit 14-002; Geochemistry and uranium-lead zircon geochronology of the Lang Lake greenstone belt, central Uchi Domain, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 4.1-4.30.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027727Lang Lake Belt
S. J. Magnus, Hanewich, M., Kamo, S. L., and Petrus, J. A., Project Unit 14-002. Geochemistry and Uranium–Lead Zircon Geochronology of the Lang Lake Greenstone Belt, Central Uchi Domain, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2015, vol. Open File Report 6313, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., O Burnham, M. A. R. C. U. S., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, 2015, pp. 4-1 to 4-30.
J. A. McDivitt, Lafrance, B., Kontak, D. J., and Robichaud, L., Project Unit 14-007; Characterization of gold mineralization in the Missanabie-Renabie District of the Wawa Gold Camp, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 6.1-6.10.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027729Missinaibi Lake BatholithRenabie MineWawa Gold Camp
E. C. G. Hastie, Project Unit 14-009. Gold Metallogeny of the Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2014, vol. Open File Report 6300, A. F. Bajc, Beakhouse, G. P., Easton, R. M., Hamilton, M., Préfontaine, S., Brunton, F. R., Dyer, R. D., O Burnham, M. A. R. C. U. S., Armstrong, D. K., White, G. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontaro Geological Survey, 2015, pp. 7-1 to 7-8.
E. C. G. Hastie, Lafrance, B., and Kontak, D., Project Unit 14-009. Observations on the Kenty and Rundle Deposits, Swayze Greenstone Belt, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2015, vol. Open File Report 6313, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., O Burnham, M. A. R. C. U. S., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, 2015, pp. 9-1 to 9-9 .
E. C. G. Hastie, Lafrance, B., and Kontak, D. J., Project Unit 14-009; Observations on the Kenty and Rundle Deposits, Swayze greenstone belt, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 9.1-9.9.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027732Kenty DepositRundle Deposit
S. J. Magnus and Walker, J., Project Unit 15-004; Geology and mineral potential of Walsh, Tuuri and Syine Townships, Schreiber-Hemlo greenstone belt, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 14.1-14.12.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027737Schreiber-Hemlo greenstone beltSyine OntarioTuuri OntarioWalsh Ontario
C. A. Gordon, Simard, R. L., and Généreux, C. - A., Project Units 15-010 and 15-019. Geology and Low-Sulphide Platinum Group Element Mineralization of Drury Township, South Range, Sudbury Igneous Complex, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2015, vol. Open File Report 6313, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., O Burnham, M. A. R. C. U. S., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, 2015, pp. 21-1 to 21-18.
C. A. Gordon, Simard, R. L., and Genereux, C. A., Project Units 15-010 and 15-019; Geology and low-sulphide platinum group element mineralization of Drury Township, South Range, Sudbury igneous complex, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 21.1-21.18.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027744Drury OntarioSouth Range
R. H. Rainbird, Craven, J. A., Turner, E. C., Jackson, V. A., Fischer, B. J., Bouchard, M., Greenman, J. W., and Gibson, T., Reconnaissance geological mapping, stratigraphy and magnetotelluric survey of northern Brock Inlier, Northwest Territories, 2015.
O. Olaniyan, Smith, R. S., and Lafrance, B., Regional 3D geophysical investigation of the Sudbury Structure, InterpretationInterpretation, vol. 3, pp. SL63-SL81, 2015.
O. Olaniyan, Smith, R. S., and Lafrance, B., Regional 3D geophysical investigation of the Sudbury Structure, in Mining and minerals exploration interpretation, vol. 3, B. Lo, Li, Y., Smith, R. S., Arce, J., Shore, M., and Lane, T., Eds. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, OK, United States, 2015, pp. SL63-SL81.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2015-073920Onwatin Formation
O. Mahmoodi and Smith, R., Rock boundaries selection from more than one geophysical log using principal component and derivative analyses, in CSPG/CSEG/CWLS geoconvention 2015 on Geoscience, new horizons, vol. 2015, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2015, p. 4.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2018-027188derivative analysis
R. S. Poulin, Konak, D., McDonald, A., and McClenaghan, B., Scheelite chemistry and its use as an indicator mineral for hydrothermal ore deposits, in Joint assembly AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU, vol. 38, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2015.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.763015-25
R. S. Poulin, McDonald, A. M., Kontak, D. J., and M. McClenaghan, B., Scheelite geochemical signatures and potential for fingerprinting ore deposits, in TGI 4, Intrusion Related Mineralisation Project; new vectors to buried porphyry-style mineralisation, N. Rogers, Ed. Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2015, pp. 317-326.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-085783porphyry tungstenSisson Deposit

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