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Home >> Education >> Graduate Programs >> M.Sc. Geology 2yr Minex Program

MSc Geology - Applied Mineral Exploration

Continuous development of skills and knowledge is a critical component of success in the field of exploration geology. Because of the constant demands of the workplace, exploration geologists can rarely afford to take significant amounts of time off to update their knowledge and skills.

The two-year MSc in Geology - Applied Mineral Exploration is designed for industry geologists who wish to upgrade their skills while maintaining full-time employment. The program involves six, two-week course modules (listed below) and an applied research project (GEOL 5055). The courses are normally offered three per year (September, December, and April) on a two-year cycle; student may register in the program at any time (January, May, September). The scope and topic of the applied research project will be determined in consultation with the faculty supervisor and will focus on a problem of interest to the candidate's employer, typically in one of their active exploration or mining areas. Note that other modular-based and full-term graduate courses similar in amount of work, duration and academic content may be considered as a substitute for some of the courses at the discretion of the program co-ordinator.

Modular-based courses:

  • GEOL 5055 - Applied Research Project 
  • +GEOL 5326 - Mineral Exploration in Volcanic Terrains**
  • +GEOL 5606 - Exploration for Magmatic Ore Deposits 
  • +GEOL 5806 - Exploration Geochemistry 
  • *GEOL 5307 - Structure, Tectonics, and Mineral Exploration**
  • *GEOL 5607 - Exploration for Hydrothermal Ore Deposits 
  • *GEOL 5956 - Exploration Geophysics

+) even year courses, (*) odd year courses
** field-based modules


Admission Requirements

Entrance to the MSc Geology - Applied Mineral Exploration is restricted to geoscientists holding a BSc honours degree in the Earth Sciences (minimum B average) with at least two years of industry or equivalent experience. Enrolment and residency requirements: students in this option who are employed in the mineral exploration industry and maintain continuous enrolment are considered full-time students and will pay normal full-time graduate registration fees. Students who do not take the courses on a continuous basis will be classified as part-time.

For additional information, please contact the current Applied MSc program coordinator.


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