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GAC-MAC 2019

The Harquail School of Earth Sciences and its Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC) prepare for an eventful conference in Quebec

May 12th - 15th, 2019 faculty, staff, students, and Metal Earth researchers will be heading to Quebec City to attend the GAC-MAC Conference. They will be hosting various talks, presenting posters and some accepting awards! If you miss one of our talks, don't miss our booth #29!


HES and MERC Symposia and Special Sessions, Wednesday May 15:

SS-RE05 - Fluid-rock interaction - D. Kontak

SS-GH19 - Precambrian sedimentology: Open session on recent advancements in paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions in deep time - A. Ielpi

SY-RE04 - Greenstone belt architecture and metal endowment of the Superior craton - P. Thurston, H. Gibson, B.Lafrance, R. Sherlock


GAC Mineral Deposit Divison (MDD) Awards:

Duncan R. Derry Medal: Jeremy Richards

The Duncan R. Derry Medal is the highest award bestowed by the Mineral Deposits Division (MDD). It is awarded annually to an outstanding economic geologist who has made significant contributions to the science of economic geology in Canada. 


MAC Awards:

Hawley Medal: Rémy Poulin, Daniel Kontak, Andrew McDonald

"The Hawley Medal is awarded to Drs. Rémy S. Poulin, Daniel J. Kontak, Andrew McDonald (Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University), and Dr. Beth McClenaghan (Geological Survey of Canada) for the best paper published in The Canadian Mineralogist in 2018 and entitled “Assessing scheelite as an ore-deposit discriminator using its trace-element and REE chemistry.” 

Source: https://gacmac-quebec2019.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/GAC-MAC-IAH_Program_2mai2019_FINALv3.pdf


Congratulations and best of luck to all faculty, staff and students at the conference! 



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