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GAC-MAC 2022 program highlights HES and MERC research

Students, faculty, and researchers from the Harquail School of Earth Sciences (HES) and Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC) will be featured in the programming at the upcoming GAC-MAC conference, taking place in Halifax from May 15-18, 2022.  The conference, hosted by the Atlantic Geoscience Society, includes symposia and special sessions, field trips, and short courses related to a wide variety of geoscience disciplines in a hybrid format with in-person and virtual components. 

At the event, Dr. Stéphane Perrouty will be awarded the Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Mineral Deposits Division (MDD) William Harvey Gross Award (details to come).  

If you're attending GAC-MAC 2022, be sure to check out the sessions below:

Monday, May 16

13:00-13:20 Lots of smoke but no fire (yet!): IOCG mineralization along the Cobequid-Chedabucto Fault Zone of Nova Scotia (Canada); D. Kontak, SS-11

16:00-18:00 A refined paragenesis for the Scotia Mine (Nova Scotia, Canada) revealed from a textural and trace-element study of gangue and sulphide phases; Wallace, Turner, Kontak

17:00-19:00 Metamorphic architecture and evolution of the Neoarchean Quetico sedimentary subprovince, Superior Province; Adrian Rehm; poster session; main hall; SS-24

Tuesday, May 17

08:00-15:20 It’s about time! Advances in petrochronology/thermochronology and applications to tectonics; Jeff Marsh, Technical Session Co-Chair; B506-07; SS-04 Tectonics

09:20-09:40 Setting and structure of Meguma gold deposits: Evidence for vein development during late, progressive, flexural-slip folding; R. Horne and D. Kontak; SS-12

09:40-10:00 Chemically abrading zircon before laser ablation analysis: what is the effect on the U-Pb age and zircon chemistry and is it worth the hassle? Joshua Davies1; HCC B506/507; SS-04 

09:40-10:00 Geochemical and geochronological attributes of Meguma gold deposits argue for a singular model of formation during late-stage regional orogenesis and magmatismD. Kontak and R. Horne; SS-12

13:00-13:20 Paleoproterozoic orogenic unroofing in the Rae craton recorded by U-Pb geochronology of the Nonacho Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada; Jade Lockie; B-503; SS-24

13:20-13:40 A long way gone: record of sedimentary recycling from detrital zircon geochronology of the Fury and Hecla Group (late Mesoproterozoic, Nunavut, Canada); Mollie Patzke; B-503; SS-24

13:30-17:00 Orogenic Processes as seen through the sedimentary rock record; Rasmus Haugaard, Co-Chair; B-503; SS-24

17:00-19:00 Metamorphic architecture and evolution of the Neoarchean Quetico sedimentary subprovince, Superior Province; Adrian Rehm; poster session; main hall; SS-24

16:00-18:00 A refined paragenesis for the Scotia Mine (Nova Scotia, Canada) revealed from a textural and trace-element study of gangue and sulphide phases; Wallace, Turner, Kontak

Wednesday, May 18

07:00-07:20 Implications of the 20 m.y. generation and assembly of the Late Devonian South Mountain Batholith (Nova Scotia, Canada) from zircon U-Pb dating, geochemistry and O-Hf isotopes; Luke Bickerton; SY-01

15:40-16:20 William Harvey Gross Award; Stéphane Perrouty, recipient; B603/604 

1Presenter list - Joshua Davies (1), Jeff Marsh (2), Morgann Perrot (3), Jade Lockie (2), Alessandro Ielpi (2), Alicia Coulier (1), Galen Halverson (3)

  1. Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère/Geotop, Université du Québec à Montréal
  2. Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University
  3. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences/Geotop, McGill University

Program subject to change at organizers' discretion. All sessions will be live-streamed and recordings will be available to watch later. For information about GAC-MAC 2022, visit https://halifax2022.atlanticgeosciencesociety.ca/.





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