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Filters: Author is Mungall, James E.  [Clear All Filters]
S. J. Barnes, Mungall, J. E., Le Vaillant, M., Godel, B., C. Lesher, M., Holwell, D., Lightfoot, P. C., Krivolutskaya, N., and Wei, B., Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits; disseminated and net-textured ores, American MineralogistAmerican Mineralogist, vol. 102, pp. 473-506, 2017.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-043449Black Swan DepositInsizwa DepositKatinniq DepositKevitsa IntrusionPiaohechuan DepositRaglan BeltTalnakh Deposit
S. J. Barnes, Mungall, J. E., Le Vaillant, M., Godel, B., Lesher, C. M., Holwell, D., Lightfoot, P. C., Krivolutskaya, N., and Wei, B., Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits: Disseminated and net-textured ores, American MineralogistAmerican Mineralogist, vol. 102, pp. 473-506, 2017.
K. Guo, Mungall, J. E., and Smith, R. S., The ratio of B-field and dB/dt time constants from time-domain electromagnetic data; a new tool for estimating size and conductivity of mineral deposits, Exploration Geophysics (Melbourne), vol. 44, pp. 238-244, 2013.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-067978B-fieldEagle's Nest DepositVTEM