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David Harquail New Chair of the World Gold Council

David Harquail New Chair of the World Gold Council

Congratulations to David Harquail for his appointment as new Chair of the World Gold Council (WGC). Faculty, students, researchers and staff at the Harquail School of Earth Sciences and its Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC) are thrilled about this news and wish David all the best.

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The Harquail School: Who we are and what we do

Laurentian University's Department of Earth Sciences was renamed to the Harquail School of Earth Sciences in September 2016, the Harquail Family invested $10M into Laurentian University’s Department of Earth Sciences and the $104M Metal Earth project commenced.

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Year End Banquet Pictures

The first Harquail School of Earth Sciences banquet took place on April 8, 2017 at the Italian Club in Copper Cliff. Pictures from the event can be viewed here.

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Dr. Taus Jørgensen

Successful PhD defense

Dr. Taus Jørgensen successfully achieved his PhD in Mineral Deposits and Precambrian Geology from Laurentian University on March 28, 2017. Dr. Jørgensen's topic was titled the "Evolution of the Sudbury Igneous Complex Southern Metamorphic Aureole and Control on Anatexis".

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Dr. Daniel Kontak wins Duncan Derry Medal

Dr. Daniel Kontak, Full Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Laurentian University, has been named the 2016 winner of the Duncan R. Derry Medal, awarded by the Geological Association of Canada.

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Dr. McDonald and Sarah Gordon win the 2015 Hawley Medal

The Hawley Medal of the Mineralogical Association of Canada was awarded to our faculty member Dr. Andrew McDonald and Sarah C. Gordon (M.Sc. Geology from Laurentian in 2013) for for the paper "A study of the composition, distribution, and genesis of pyrrhotite in the Copper Cliff Offset, Sudbury, Ontario"

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